NuGet availability?

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Phil asked on 21 Sep 2022, 07:20 PM

I've been receiving intermittent 500s and other errors when connecting to the Telerik NuGet feed (via an azure service connection) recently and it's been worse today (thus constantly breaking CICD pipelines).

Is the still current? specifically the part about "Using a Service connection is our recommend approach."?



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commented on 22 Sep 2022, 08:46 AM


I noticed the same, and sadly the problem seems to persist today as well. Currently working on our CI/CD and it is extremely tedious because restoring NuGet packages will fail due to the Telerik repository.

Hope to get an answer here from support staff about the current status.

Best regards

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commented on 22 Sep 2022, 10:03 AM | edited


I am facing same issue started from yesterday around 22:00UTC+8 till now. I have checked Telerik's service status report website Telerik Status reported that everything is working (?). Hope support teams can help to health check the Nuget feed service.

environment: Azure devOps pipeline with Service Connection (Telerik Nuget)

error logs: 

##[error]The nuget command failed with exit code(1) and error(Failed to download package 'Telerik.Reporting.Services.AspNetCore.' from ''.
Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error).
Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error).
The feed 'NuGet_Telerik []' lists package 'Telerik.Reporting.Services.AspNetCore.' but multiple attempts to download the nupkg have failed. The feed is either invalid or required packages were removed while the current operation was in progress. Verify the package exists on the feed and try again.
Unable to find package 'Telerik.Reporting.Services.AspNetCore.'.
NuGet.Protocol.Core.Types.FatalProtocolException: The feed 'NuGet_Telerik []' lists package 'Telerik.Reporting.Services.AspNetCore.' but multiple attempts to download the nupkg have failed. The feed is either invalid or required packages were removed while the current operation was in progress. Verify the package exists on the feed and try again. ---> NuGet.Protocol.PackageNotFoundProtocolException: Unable to find package 'Telerik.Reporting.Services.AspNetCore.'.
at NuGet.Protocol.FindPackagesByIdNupkgDownloader.<GetNuspecReaderFromNupkgAsync>d__6.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()



Tomislav Bronzin
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commented on 22 Sep 2022, 11:50 AM | edited

Here the feed is down completely.

 error NU1301: Unable to load the service index for source


azure devops pipelines, image: windows-2022

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commented on 22 Sep 2022, 12:20 PM


Same here :

error : Failed to download package 'Telerik.UI.for.AspNet.Core.2022.2.802' from ''.

error : Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error)


Some news about it ?

2 Answers, 1 is accepted

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answered on 22 Sep 2022, 03:04 PM
This issue should get more attention, it's a roadblock for CI/CD work where you require to NuGet restore.
Telerik team
answered on 23 Sep 2022, 09:42 AM


I have reached to the team responsible for the NuGet server. They have confirmed they are aware of the issue and are investigating it. We will, however, need additional time for that and the thread will be updated once further information is available.

Progress Telerik

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Telerik team
commented on 23 Sep 2022, 01:09 PM

Hello All,

I have received an update from the team in regards to the reported issues - Our IT department has been performing a planned server migration the past days, which resulted in an unexpected disturbance in the Nuget server that affected some of our clients. The team has investigated the reported cases and confirmed the issue should now be resolved, but I will ask you to double check if that is the case on your side. If the issue persists please open a support ticket with details on the particular issue or respond to this thread, so we can investigate further.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

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commented on 04 Oct 2022, 07:24 AM | edited

Hello Aleksander,

as of today, the problem is happening again. Server error 500. I hope it can get properly taken care of because this is a real impediment for our work.

Best regards

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commented on 05 Oct 2022, 01:34 PM

Still happening today, 19 out of 20 pipeline runs fail due to NuGet errors...
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commented on 05 Oct 2022, 01:54 PM

Similar here:

error NU1301: Unable to load the service index for source

Telerik team
commented on 06 Oct 2022, 09:21 AM

The team is currently working on the NuGet server issues with high priority. Please subscribe for status updates at as it will be a central point for updates on the Telerik NuGet Server status.

As mentioned there, for mission-critical builds, you can download the .nupkg file of any product from and restore it offline.

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