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MVVM binding with Caliburn Micro

1 Answer 173 Views
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Stefan Buys
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Rank 2
Stefan Buys asked on 13 Apr 2011, 02:59 PM

I am developing an application using Caliburn Micro as an MVVM framework and WCF RIA Services with Entities for the Models.

I have a scenario where I have a report with input criteria, one of the criteria input controls is a RadComboBox. It is bound to a collection of GroupEntity with two fields, GroupId and Description - both of which is marked as [Required] and contains a meta description. In the RadComboBox I set the SelectedValuePath to GroupEntity.GroupId and then bind SelectedValue to another GroupId containing the rest of the criteria. Lastly, I bind the text property to the GroupEntity.Description.

Here's a short extract of my RadComboBox in XAML:
<telerik:RadComboBox IsEditable="True" IsFilteringEnabled="True" TextSearchMode="Contains"
SelectedValue="{Binding Path=CriteriaEntity.GroupId, Mode=TwoWay}"                                    
Text="{Binding Path=Description, NotifyOnValidationError=True, Mode=TwoWay}" EmptyText="Please Select">

The ComboBox is bound via the Caliburn Micro convention manager that binds a EntitySet<T> to RadComboBox's ItemsSource property.

All of the desired functionality works fine, except for the the fact that I have a Label and DescriptionViewer control with a Target bound to the RadComboBox and neither of them seem to "bind" properly. The Label doesn't turn bold and the DescriptionViewer is not visible. For all other RadControls bound in a similar way to RIA Entities, the meta information is pulled through correctly. 

Any ideas?

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Valeri Hristov
Telerik team
answered on 14 Apr 2011, 09:43 AM
Hello Stefan,

I am not sure that I will be able to exactly recreate your scenario, so could you please open a new support ticket and send me a simple project to observe and debug the problem? We will do our best to reply with a solution as soon as possible.

Kind regards,
Valeri Hristov
the Telerik team
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Stefan Buys
Top achievements
Rank 2
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Valeri Hristov
Telerik team
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