I am trying to implement toolbar as actionbar on Kendo UI Mobile:
In the demo, the dataItems are statically placed into the data-items attribute: http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/m/index#navbar/adaptive-toolbar
<div data-role="toolbar" data-items='[
id: "back",
type: "button",
icon: "arrow-w",
overflow: "never",
align: "left",
url: "#:back"
type: "splitButton", id: "viewName", name: "viewName", text: "Inbox (18)", menuButtons: [
{ id: "option1", text: "Drafts (3)" },
{ id: "option2", text: "Sent Mail" },
{ id: "option3", text: "Junk Mail (21)" },
{ id: "option4", text: "Trash (53)" }
overflow: "never",
align: "left"
I would like to be able to initialize and control the toolbar in the javaScript like so:
<div data-role="view" ... >
<div id="toolbar">
$("#toolbar").kendoToolBar({ ... });
When I do it this way, however, the toolbar does not get styled as in the demo.
Is there support for this type of toolbar initialization in mobile or am I doing something wrong?
Thank you.