Here is a multiselect which I want to change its value on the change event. It pre-select three options, when mouse click the dropdown and pick an extra one, it will reset it back to two options. Now click the dropdown, use autocomplete (key in E which shows option EEE) to choose an extra option, the multiselect become empty. Please see the file attached. How to rebind it with autocomplete?
<select kendo-multi-select="productSelect" k-options="selectOptions" ng-model="selectedIds"
<button data-kendo-button data-ng-click="reset()">Reset</button>
$scope.selectOptions = {
placeholder: "Select products...",
dataTextField: "ProductName",
dataValueField: "ProductID",
valuePrimitive: true,
autoBind: false,
dataSource: {
data: [
{ ProductName: "AAA", ProductID: 1 },
{ ProductName: "BBB", ProductID: 2 },
{ ProductName: "CCC", ProductID: 3 },
{ ProductName: "DDD", ProductID: 4 },
{ ProductName: "EEE", ProductID: 5 }
$scope.selectedIds = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
$scope.reset = function(){
$scope.selectedIds = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
$scope.isChanging = function(kendoEvent){
$scope.selectedIds = [ 3, 5 ];