Is it possible to implement a filter in a multiSelectTree so that when a search term matches a parent item, it automatically displays all of its children as well?
For instance, if one were to search for "decor," would the system also show "Bed Linen," "Curtains & Blinds," and "Carpets"?
Thanks in advance,
When I use TextBox in Navtive components of Vue3, I want to distinguish between the input value and the displayed value.
For example,
I uesd TextBox like this.
<TextBox v-model="inputValue" />
If I enter "1234567", "1,234,567" will be displayed. but inputValue has "1234567".
If I enter "AbcD", "abcd" will be displayed. but inputValue has "AbcD".
Can I only change the displayed value while maintaining the value I entered?
ps... I don't want use the NumericTextBox. because of lowercase and uppercase.
We want to customize the InsertImage tool in the Editor, as we want to allow image upload. We found the React Documentation, and that's exactly what we want in Vue.
In React, (see this example main.tsx - nodebox - CodeSandbox) it looks straightforward to stop using the InsertImage from EditorTools and use the one in the example.
// const { InsertImage } = EditorTools;
But in Vue (main.vue - nodebox - CodeSandbox), how do we replace the InsertImage by the implementation in insertImageTool?
Thank you
We are starting to use Kendo UI for Vue HTML Editor for an application with support with multiple languages.
Is there any way to make a contribution to the community translations?
I've seen some funny things (like translating "Audaz" for "Bold") in the github repo for react, and missing items for vue
kendo-react-messages/messages/es-ES/es-ES.json at master · telerik/kendo-react-messages · GitHub
"editor": {
So this is my datasource... I would assume the schema is what it would read to render the properties in the sheet, but it's just verbatim taking the JSON object and plopping it in. So example, there's a LastUpdated property on each object, it's not defined in the schema... but it's rendering in the sheet.
Am I missing something?
dataSource: {
transport: {
dataType: "json",
read: {
url: this.baseUrl + "/groups?format=json",
type: "GET",
data: function () {
return {
cohort: $editorData.cohort
update: {
url: baseUrl + "/groups?format=json",
dataType: "json",
type: "POST"
requestEnd: function (e) {
var response = e.response;
var type = e.type;
console.log("requestEnd", type, response);
schema: {
model: {
id: "UserId",
fields: {
UserName: { type: "string", editable: false },
FirstName: { type: "string", editable: false },
LastName: { type: "string", editable: false },
Campus: { type: "string", editable: false },
Cohort: { type: "number", editable: false },
MF1: { type: "number" },
MF3: { type: "number" },
MF4: { type: "number" },
MF2: { type: "number" },
MF5: { type: "number" },
ClerkshipGroup: { type: "number" },
PediatricsStream: { type: "number" },
ProCompGroup: { type: "number" }
style="width: 100%; height: 800px">
Hi all,
I cannot find any way to increase the event height of the kendo native scheduler component for vue. when artificially changing it for the .k-event class the top values don't line up, how do I make this bigger? In the meantime I also want to make the width the same as the actual value and not be the correct width -20px (as in the picture)
The height should be like the box, and the width should increase so the whitespace where the arrow is pointing is not there. Can anyone help with this?
Discussion: I think its awful how Kendo keeps pushing the Native Vue component in favor of the JQuery one, but the vue native one is just so outrageous, I wrote about 800 lines just to fix stupid rendering bugs with this. When will this get better?
Hello everyone,
I've been trying to find a simple method to copy a date from one datepicker and paste it into others since the usual Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V shortcuts don't seem to work. So far, I haven't discovered an easy solution other than utilizing events directly on the datepicker itself. However, this approach doesn't work when trying to copy a date from another source. If anyone has any alternative suggestions or solutions, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I have a queastion. When I use DropDownList in Navtive components of Vue3, I want to filter with both data item key and text field.
but the method I found is only using one field.
The field properties of a DropDownList are strings or functions.
I need Array<string> like ['dataItemKey', 'textFiled']. Can I?
example :
data-Item-list = [
{text : 'A', value : 1},
{text : 'B', value : 2},
{text : 'C', value : 3},
{text : 'D', value : 4}
When I put 3, C is searched.
At the same time I put D, D is searched.
Hi all,
could it be that the "Color Picker doesn't habe any translations?
Thank you for feedback