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Initial timeline range

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Otto asked on 21 May 2015, 01:09 AM

how can I set initial timeline range of gantt ?

for now if I start gantt with only item with duration of 1 day and the view is on week/month, timeline is 1 week and have lots of empty space at the right side. expanding item length ( expanding duration in the timeline ) is only possible in the range of that week, while if I change item end date from datepicker on list at the left timeline expands with no problem. same problem is while moving item to timeline, I cant move it more than initial week.

so is there any way to set initial range of timeline or expend it if item length/duration  is expended in the time line by stretching the item or moving it?

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Dimitar Terziev
Telerik team
answered on 21 May 2015, 08:08 AM

Currently there is no available option through the public api of the widget to define the range of the timeline views. It is calculated based on the tasks time span or default values are used for the different views when there are no tasks. My suggestion is to submit a feature request in our Uservoice portal.

Dimitar Terziev
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Dimitar Terziev
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