IE issue : focus is seen to the editable cell with the newly bind data, but when user tries to write '123', it will type '23'.
Thought reason : It shows the cell enable and editable, but internal focus might be on span or td element and with second character it gives focus to the textbox.
I have a kendo grid with 'in-cell' mode, with server side paging enabled. (Mvc Razor view).
.chstml file
Html.Kendo() ..............Read(read => read.Action("GetInvoiceDataForGrid", "InvoicingCommon")) //POC change.Batch(true).PageSize(5)
Scenario (this works well in chrome and firefox, Issue with IE 10/11) :
I'm having 2 rows displayed in the grid, I click on one cell and give a tab key. This will execute change effect and make a server call and bind the grid.
Now, when the grid is bound the focus to lastly focus cell is lost. (as grid was bind with modified data).
I tried to store the focus element and refocus with below two approaches but they are having issue for IE (10/11) :
Approach 1$("#myGrid").data('kendoGrid').editCell($("#myGrid").find('.k-grid-content tr:eq(0) td:eq(6)'));
Approach 2
$("#myGrid").find('.k-grid-content tr:eq(0) td:eq(6)').click();
Please guide me to focus cell after grid bind, especially that can work in IE. (as above two approaches work in chrome/firefox).