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Hierarchy and SelectionChanged

5 Answers 87 Views
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Martin Roussel
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Rank 1
Martin Roussel asked on 21 Jul 2010, 11:41 PM

I have a Hierarchy grid with SelectionMode="Single". Im using the SelectionChanged to detect row clicks from user. The problem I have is when we click on a already expanded (selected) parent row (SelectionChanged is not fired). Is there a way to detect those selections? SelectionMode="Multiple" seems not to do what i want.


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Telerik team
answered on 22 Jul 2010, 08:16 AM
Hello Martin Roussel,

Well, SelectionChanged should not be raised when you click on an already selected item. If you could give us more details about the task at hand we should be able to provide a reasonable solution. Why do you need to detect row clicks?

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Martin Roussel
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answered on 22 Jul 2010, 08:08 PM
Thanks Milan for the reply.

The reason I need the row click event is because I have an option panel with different actions (buttons) based on the selected row hierarchy. The panel is limited in space so i need to re-use some buttons that are refreshed when a row is clicked (user experience is also better... compared to showing all available actions related to the selected row and its parents). The ideal would be to unselect the childs of a clicked row, but i doubt this is possible.
Telerik team
answered on 23 Jul 2010, 08:34 AM
Hi Martin Roussel,

You could try something like this:

public MainPage()
    this.AddHandler(GridViewRow.MouseLeftButtonDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnRowMouseDown), true);
private void OnRowMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    var clickedElement = e.OriginalSource as FrameworkElement;
    var clickedRow = clickedElement.ParentOfType<GridViewRow>();
    if (clickedRow.GridViewDataControl.ParentRow == null)
        // root row clicked
        // child row clicked

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the Telerik team
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Martin Roussel
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answered on 30 Jul 2010, 12:22 PM

Can I have your code in VB?

I get 'MouseLeftButtonDownEvent' is not an event of 'Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView.GridViewRow' when trying to convert it.

Sorry I didnt specified.


Telerik team
answered on 30 Jul 2010, 02:23 PM
Hi Martin Roussel,

Could you please try the following:

Imports Telerik.Windows.Controls
Partial Public Class MainPage
    Inherits UserControl
    Public Sub New()
          New MouseButtonEventHandler(AddressOf OnRowMouseDown), True)
    End Sub
    Private Sub OnRowMouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseButtonEventArgs)
        Dim clickedElement = TryCast(e.OriginalSource, FrameworkElement)
        Dim clickedRow = clickedElement.ParentOfType(Of GridViewRow)()
        If clickedRow.GridViewDataControl.ParentRow Is Nothing Then
            ' root row clicked 
            ' child row clicked 
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

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Martin Roussel
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Telerik team
Martin Roussel
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