Hello all
I hope you are well.
I am using the scheduler and when someone wants to delete a recurring event, I'd like the popup confirmation to popup.
However, I don't want the button that says "Delete current event"
I just want it to say "yes", "no"
Any ideas how I can do this?
Thanks in advance
9 Answers, 1 is accepted
You can by customizing the text in the buttons by setting tweaking the messages object:
- cancel sets the "no / cancel" text
- destroy sets the "delete / destroy" text
- deleteWindowTitle sets the text
In addition editable.confirmation sets the text in the window. if you leave it blank, it won't show any text. If you set it to false, no confirmation will be shown.
I've prepared a sample -- http://dojo.telerik.com/@joneff/OgIyO.
Ivan Zhekov

Hi Ivan
Thanks for your answer and your time.
It is appreciated.
I however, should have been more specific.
All the events in my schedule are reoccurring events, so the box that pops up says something like:
"Delete single event"
"Delete series of events"
I don't want the "delete single event" option to appear in the box.
I want that box to only have a yes and no option.
I'm sorry for not being clearer from the beginning.
How can I do this?When you are deleting an appointment in a series, you always need to specify which action you want to perform: delete an appointment, or delete the entire series.
Or in other words, that particular request, to have only yes / no buttons, is not possible to achieve.
Ivan Zhekov

Hi Ivan
Thanks for that answer.
Okay, so how can I do this:
When the user presses either "Delete Single Occurrence" or "Delete Entire Series", how do I find out what button was pressed?
remove: function(e) {
if(delete single) // this is the if that I need help with
do something
else if(delete entire series)
do something else
What do I have to put into that if?

Please note: I've asked the same question in another post
They have become entangled :)​
I've update my example (http://dojo.telerik.com/@joneff/OgIyO/3) to include a small improvement: editRecurringMode (more info can be found in the docs http://docs.telerik.com/KENDO-UI/api/javascript/ui/scheduler#configuration-editable.editRecurringMode)
What the property does is to specify how you edit / delete recurring appointments: either by choosing, or always series, or always dialog.
But do have in mind that if you set this option to "occurrence" you (and the rest of the users) will always interact with the specific occurrence.
Ivan Zhekov

Hi Ivan
Thanks for going the extra mile and posting this.
I saw this option a while ago, but seems to do nothing on my side.
I have set it to 'dialog', 'occurrence' and 'series', but nothing different happens.
I looked at your code, and I'm a little jealous, as I'd really like to have my code function that way.
I even copied your code to my machine, and it didn't work.
This leads me to believe that my version of the kendo ui scripts are out of date.
I'll update them and update you later.
Thank you for your help :-)
The quickest way to know if you are using the same version is to look at the files that are being loaded: in the example I sent you, am loading 2015.2.805.
Ivan Zhekov

Hi Ivan
Sorry, I completely forgot to reply to this post.
The version that I was using, is out of date.
I downloaded the new version, and what you suggested above worked :)
Good times.
Will be working on some list functionality later this weekend.
Wish me luck.
Have an awesome Friday!