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GridView Different Row Templates

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Elena asked on 18 May 2011, 02:41 PM

I create GridView very similar that is in WatherStation project.
Project WatherStation is rich with styles behind which I do not see a way to show in different rows GridView different RadGauge.

Well to receive an example in which GridView it is binded to property ViewModel ObservableCollection <IndicatorData> Data.
Property Data is real can be filled derivative from IndicatorData by objects. Depending on object type it is displayed various row template



Thanks for any help




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Kalin Milanov
Telerik team
answered on 24 May 2011, 10:23 AM
Hi Elena,

I am unsure what exactly are you trying to accomplish and where seems to be the problem. My best guess on the matter is you are trying to place some data in the grid in the form os sparklines (which we use in the weather station demo).

The best way to learn how to do that is check the sparklines demo here:

If you have any additional questions do not hesitate to ask.

All the best,
Kalin Milanov
the Telerik team
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Kalin Milanov
Telerik team
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