Dropdows - Wrong position of popup

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RIS asked on 14 Jun 2024, 06:30 AM

We have the problem that the popup of dropdowns (DropDownList, ComboBox,...) are displayed in the wrong position. This only happens if the data is an object and the display property is a long text. As the drop-down list is moved to the left, the error disappears. How far to the left depends on how long the texts are.


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commented on 14 Jun 2024, 10:00 AM | edited

Yeah im getting this also. 
Only way it returns to position is on the document event fullscreenchange

Seems the onOpen event from the combobox is not triggered either to manually fix it. 
Telerik team
commented on 18 Jun 2024, 12:50 PM

Hi, guys, 

I have just answered Dan's other post on the matter, sharing my attempts to reproduce the issue but without success. Can any of you update the sample below up to a point where the issue occurs so I can examine the exact setup leading to it further

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commented on 19 Jun 2024, 04:38 AM

Telerik team
commented on 21 Jun 2024, 11:56 AM

Hello, everyone. 

Thank you for the latest updates and the provided example. The issue seems like a bug but before I confirm it, I want to discuss it with the team. I will write you back on Monday with additional details about the discussed scenario. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Telerik team
commented on 24 Jun 2024, 09:07 AM


After additional investigation and discussing the issue with the team, it seems that the discussed scenario is a bug that is already logged here

I cannot say exactly when the bug will be fixed but based on your report, I've raised the priority of the bug.

What I can suggest is to follow the shared GitHub issue and thus, once its status is changed, you will receive a notification. 

No answers yet. Maybe you can help?

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