The long date format on calendar for several cultures does not respect the local format.
Cultures having problem are : zh-tw, ko-kr, ja-jp, pt-pt, pt-br, es-es, es-co, es-cl, fr-ca
The expected behavior for different cultures are as:
For zh-tw/ko-kr/ja-jp markets, the "MM" are displayed in front of "YYYY" instead of displayed after "YYYY".
For pt-pt/pt-br/es-es/es-co/es-cl markets , lacked "de" between "MM" and "YYYY".
For fr-ca market, lacked "," between "MM" and "YYYY".
Is this the bug with Kendo? How can we fix this?
Cultures having problem are : zh-tw, ko-kr, ja-jp, pt-pt, pt-br, es-es, es-co, es-cl, fr-ca
The expected behavior for different cultures are as:
For zh-tw/ko-kr/ja-jp markets, the "MM" are displayed in front of "YYYY" instead of displayed after "YYYY".
For pt-pt/pt-br/es-es/es-co/es-cl markets , lacked "de" between "MM" and "YYYY".
For fr-ca market, lacked "," between "MM" and "YYYY".
Is this the bug with Kendo? How can we fix this?