i want to customize the OrgChart Example http://demos.telerik.com/silverlight/#Diagrams/OrgChart. The OrgChart will be shown in a SharePoint WebPart.
i have already changed the way of inputting data in here. My data come from a SharePoint 2010 List with the help of
clientcontext.ExecuteQueryAsync(OnSuccess, OnFailed); The Method OnSuccess gives the data within a customize class type back to OrgChartViewModel with the help of Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => _callBack(rootPerson));
Now the Problem is, that the UI Thread is running further and try to create the connections and binding the initial positions of the nodes (with not the correct Data in there).
I have found
i want to customize the OrgChart Example http://demos.telerik.com/silverlight/#Diagrams/OrgChart. The OrgChart will be shown in a SharePoint WebPart.
i have already changed the way of inputting data in here. My data come from a SharePoint 2010 List with the help of
clientcontext.ExecuteQueryAsync(OnSuccess, OnFailed); The Method OnSuccess gives the data within a customize class type back to OrgChartViewModel with the help of Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => _callBack(rootPerson));
Now the Problem is, that the UI Thread is running further and try to create the connections and binding the initial positions of the nodes (with not the correct Data in there).
I have found
http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/silverlight/diagram/orgchart-example.aspx this thread in the forum, but i think i have not quite the same problem. Because it is putting some positions and connections, but not with the complete HierarchicalDataSource.
Is here maybe someone who knows this huge code project good enough, that can say which ViewModel or Links i must restart after i came back from my clientcontext thread?
Or is there a chance for stopping the UI thread until my getting data thread is ready?
Your sincerely