Complementing css framework

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DKD-dev asked on 19 Nov 2021, 01:41 AM | edited on 19 Nov 2021, 01:42 AM

With Kendo-UI being more of a widget framework as opposed to a css framework, are there any recommended css frameworks out there that will suite kendo-ui? Looking for a material based css framework to handle layout/grid setup. Also looking for a Vue3 based framework, which unfortunately Vuetify is not at that level yet (still alpha).

I you have implements other css frameworks, were there any pitfalls/hurtles to get both frameworks working together? Issues like clashing themes/styles, build issues, etc.

As mentioned before, I predominantly need this css framework for the layout/grid setup, so technically I don't really need a 'full on' css framework as setups like simple grid or flexbox are probably all I need, buuuuuuut .... other css frameworks like Vuetify, Vue Material, Chakra, etc do have alot of other components that either aren't in kendo or are a bit more user friendly.

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Telerik team
answered on 19 Nov 2021, 08:04 AM

Hi DKD-dev,

Kendo UI provides 5 presets of our Material Theme which you can directly test in our demos. Below is a screenshot from one of our demos. You can see where the different Material Theme presets can be tested.

Go to our Grid demos, click on the DropDown shown on the screenshot and test our Theme Presets.

If none of the presets fit your needs, we have the Kendo UI for Vue Theme Builder in which you can style our components the way you need them and then download the ready theme. More about the Theme Builder, you can find on this link from our documentation

To answer your questions directly, we don't have experience with CSS frameworks and currently, there are no known issues when using the Kendo UI components with Vuetify. 

We are building our components with a thought to be compatible with other frameworks. If you find an issue with any of our components, we will be happy to investigate the scenario and see what we can do to fix it. 

Last but not least, our efforts are focused on releasing new Native Vue components with every release cycle. The last is about to say that with time our components family will get bigger and bigger. 

Can you share which components do you need which are currently not available in the Vue suite? Also, can you tell us which components you find not that user-friendly? We will be happy to hear some improvement suggestions. 

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commented on 19 Nov 2021, 08:11 PM | edited

Hi Petar,

Sorry I should have been more specific. I meant grid as in a responsive column layout (12 column grid flexbox, like this), not the data grid itself. Kendo has all the components that I need except for the layout responsive building blocks, which to be fair I can just use the example that I linked to fill in the gap, its just less moving parts the better.

Telerik team
commented on 23 Nov 2021, 11:29 AM

Hi Jack, 

Thank you for the clarification. Can you check the GridLayout and StackLayout components available in our Kendo React suite?  

Does one of these components fit the needs of your application?

Currently, none of the components is in our plans for the R1 2022 release but if there is a community interest in one of these(or both) components we can prioritize them in the planning for R2 2022.

Can you tell me if these components will help you achieve what you need if they were available in the Kendo UI for Vue suite?

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commented on 25 Nov 2021, 11:05 AM

Hi Petar,

Yeah thats exactly what I need. I've gotta say, there are alot more components in the layout for react then there are for vue, including the vue wrapper components. Looks like I'll have to stick with a css grid framework for now.


Telerik team
commented on 25 Nov 2021, 11:25 AM

Hi DKD-dev,

Yes, you are right about the number of components in Vue versus these in React. We are aware of this and doing our best to catch up with the available Native Vue components.

Talking about the GridLayout and StackLayout components, I want to inform you that we are currently discussing their implementation in the next release cycle - R2 2022. As there is community interest in these two components, most likely they will be available in the spring.

What I can suggest is to periodically check our mini releases after our big R1 2022 release, planned for January 2022.

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