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Clarifications needed, in the process of evaluation Kendo UI Grid

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Sowmya asked on 28 May 2015, 01:40 PM

Evaluating Kendo-ui-Grid 

We already have loads of API’S defined and working. We are making a call from angular services via
Rest angular to access WebAPI and the results are being returned as a Data contract object and consumed as a JSON in angular controllers.

I was having a look at the fiddler calls for each Server Side pagination, filtering and sorting with the
demo examples. I see that lots of additional parameters are being appended to the request to get it working, which has to be to get it working.
And the output results are wrapped in an object, including __count and the output wrapped in results object.

For example :--  
A couple of clarifications are needed on observing the below calls in fiddler.




1)  Is there a way by which we can still use our existing webapi’s just by capturing the skip,  top, format, filters etc from the data of grid and pass it to our
webapi . This would enable us to re-use our Angular js service calls from controller to make a Rest call to webapi.
2) What are the expected fields of data output from the webapi for the kendo grid to work successfully with server side pagination, server side filtering  and
server side sorting.
3) Is it possible, to map data results from our custom webapi to kendo ui grid ?.
4) Can we have more information on the necessity of callback query string input in webapi call
and is it always necessary to have this sent across webapi calls ?. We don’t
understand the practical usage of this.
5)If you don’t have an option to map  custom webapi results to kendo- grid,  It will be great if we can get an code sample on what should the definition of webapi
output’s be to get the grid working successfully.

It will be very much appreciated if we get some code snippets to prove the above things. This would enable us to
promisingly go ahead and buy licenses.
Thanks in advance for your time. It would be very much appreciated, if we get a quick response regarding the same.

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Atanas Korchev
Telerik team
answered on 01 Jun 2015, 07:22 AM

Most of your questions are answered by the parameterMap option of the grid. It lists all parameters that are passed by default to the server.

In addition you can check this github project which shows how to implement server operations with Web API.

Atanas Korchev
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Atanas Korchev
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