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Checkbox events not firing the second time.

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This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
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Lisa asked on 09 Oct 2013, 10:41 PM

I have a TreeView for a filter on a dashboard, and it's not processing the click on the checkbox the second time.  I've attached a screen shot with more details.

I'm not sure what I have wrong.
Creating the TreeView:
/* Topics illustrated in this file:
* How to define a custom widget
* How to configure options from base
* How to define and access custom options
* How to capture scope
* How to manipulate the DOM of "this"
* How to expose custom methods
* How to expose an event handler delegate
], function ($, _, Helpers, schoolFilterItemTemplate) {
    var schoolData;
    // This defines a Kendo widget object
    var TreeView = kendo.ui.TreeView.extend({
        init: function (element, options) {
            // Assigning this to another variable name captures the context of init, which is "this TreeView"
            var me = this;
            options.dataSource = {
                transport: {
                    read: function (options) {
                                             // If you tried to use "this" in here, it would refer to the dataSource instead of the TreeView
                                             userName: me.options.userName,
                                             districtId: me.options.districtId,
                                             schoolCodes: me.options.schoolCodes
                                         function (data) {
                                             schoolData = data.GetfltSchoolByDistrictResult.RootResults;
                                             schoolData = [
                                                           text: "Schools",
                                                           expanded: false,
                                                           items: _(schoolData)
                                                                     .map(function (groupItems, groupKey) {
                                                                         return {
                                                                             SchoolTypeName: groupKey,
                                                                             items: groupItems,
                                                                             expanded: false
                schema: {
                    model: {
                        children: "items"
            options.dataBound = function (e) {
                me.element.find("input:checkbox:first").prop("disabled", true);
                me.element.find("input:checkbox").on("change", function (e) {
                    var parentItems = $(".k-item");
                    var node = parentItems.eq(0);
                    var parentNode = parentItems.eq(1);
                    // Toggle children to match parent
                    // Update parent's state
                    var parentCheckBox = parentNode.find("input:checkbox:first");
                    if (!parentCheckBox.prop("disabled")) {
                        var hasChecked = parentNode.find(".k-group input:checked").length > 0;
                        var hasUnchecked = parentNode.find(".k-group input:not(:checked)").length > 0;
                        parentCheckBox.prop("checked", hasChecked);
                        parentCheckBox.prop("indeterminate", hasChecked && hasUnchecked);
                    // The rest is unchecking other SchoolTypes if a different SchoolType is checked. If "this" is unchecked, no further action required.
                    if (!
                    var dataItem = me.dataItem(node);
                    if (!dataItem.SchoolTypeName) {
               = false;
                    me.element.find("input:checked").each(function () {
                        var eachDataItem = me.dataItem($(this).closest(".k-item"))
                        if (eachDataItem.SchoolTypeName !== dataItem.SchoolTypeName) {
                            this.checked = false;
                            this.indeterminate = false;
                            //lah testing adding something here.
                            //                            me.schoolTypeChanged(e);
                        //gmo when school names don't match
                        if (eachDataItem.SchoolName !== dataItem.SchoolName) {
                            this.checked = false;                      
  , element, options);
        options: {
            // This is what determines the name of the custom method, e.g. .kendoSchoolFilterTreeView
            name: "TreeViewSchoolFilterSingle",
            // Declare new options with default values. Options must be declared here in order to be accepted and passed through to init().
            userName: "",
            districtId: 0,
            schoolCodes: function () { return "" },
            // Anything else you pass in options will get passed to the base widget
            dataTextField: ["text", "SchoolTypeName", "SchoolName"],
            checkboxes: true
        getSelectedSchoolType: function () {
            var me = this;
            return _(this.element.find("input:checked").closest(".k-item"))
            //                                              .map(function (item) { return ktvSchoolFilter.dataItem(item).SchoolType; })
                .map(function (item) { return me.dataItem(item).SchoolType; })
                .filter(function (item) { return item; })
        // This is how to get the selected school from the radio group
        getSelectedSchoolCodes: function () {
            var me = this;
            return _(this.element.find("input:checked").closest(".k-item"))
            //                                              .map(function (item) { return ktvSchoolFilter.dataItem(item).SchoolCode; })
                                  .map(function (item) { return me.dataItem(item).SchoolCode; })
                                  .filter(function (item) { return item; })
        onSchoolChange: function (e) {
        schoolTypeChanged: function (e) {
    // This is what registers the custom widget and adds the kendo* method to the jQuery object

How it's used in my program, including several variations on binding.
ktvSchoolFilter = $("#schoolFilterTree").kendoTreeViewSchoolFilterSingle({
            userName: WSIPCContext.UserName,
            districtId: WSIPCContext.DistrictId,
            schoolCodes: WSIPCContext.SchoolCodes,
            onSchoolChange: schoolCodeChanged,
            change: schoolCodeChanged,
            schoolTypeChanged: schoolCodeChanged,
            checkbox: {
                onClick: schoolCodeChanged
//This code allows the grade level and risk categories to change when a checkbox
        //is selected, not just the label.
        ktvSchoolFilter.dataSource.bind("change", schoolCodeChanged);
        ktvSchoolFilter.dataSource.bind("select", schoolCodeChanged);
        ktvSchoolFilter.dataSource.bind("selecting", schoolCodeChanged);
        ktvSchoolFilter.dataSource.bind("navigate", schoolCodeChanged);
        ktvSchoolFilter.bind("change", schoolCodeChanged);
        ktvSchoolFilter.bind("select", schoolCodeChanged);
        ktvSchoolFilter.bind("selecting", schoolCodeChanged);
        ktvSchoolFilter.bind("navigate", schoolCodeChanged

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Atanas Korchev
Telerik team
answered on 11 Oct 2013, 01:11 PM
Hello Lisa,

 This probably happens because the checkboxes are recreated when the treeview changes. You can use the following as a workaround:

me.element.on("change", "input:checkbox",

Atanas Korchev
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answered on 11 Oct 2013, 09:26 PM
Thanks Atanas,

 That did it.  It's working well now.

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Atanas Korchev
Telerik team
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