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Change the item template only for one item

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Pierre asked on 09 May 2011, 09:03 PM
Here my code:
<TelNavigation:RadTreeView VerticalAlignment="Stretch" SelectionMode="Single" AllowDrop="False">
    <TelNavigation:RadTreeViewItem Header="Achats"  IsExpanded="True" DefaultImageSrc="Images/Icones/Module.png">
        <TelNavigation:RadTreeViewItem Name="CommAchats" Header="Commande Achats"  IsExpanded="False" DefaultImageSrc="Images/Icones/Module.png">
                    <TextBlock Text="HELLO"></TextBlock>
        <TelNavigation:RadTreeViewItem Name="Fournisseurs" Header="Fournisseurs"  IsExpanded="False" DefaultImageSrc="Images/Icones/Module.png" />
    <TelNavigation:RadTreeViewItem Header="Ventes"  IsExpanded="False" DefaultImageSrc="Images/Icones/Module.png">
        <TelNavigation:RadTreeViewItem Name="CommClients" Header="Comm Clients"  IsExpanded="False" DefaultImageSrc="Images/Icones/Module.png" />
        <TelNavigation:RadTreeViewItem Name="Clients" Header="Clients"  IsExpanded="False" DefaultImageSrc="Images/Icones/Module.png" />
I just try to change the control in the item CommAchats for a Image-Text-and 2 imagebuton. For now I just test to display "Hello" instead of the "normal" treeview item. No copile error, but runtime always display the old TreeViewItem


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Kiril Stanoev
Telerik team
answered on 12 May 2011, 01:03 PM
Hi Pierre,

Instead of setting an ItemsPanel, try setting the Header in the following manner:

<TelNavigation:RadTreeViewItem Name="CommAchats" IsExpanded="False">
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
            <Image Source="/Images/Icones/Module.png"></Image>
            <TextBlock Text="HELLO"></TextBlock>

Let me know how this works for you.

Best wishes,
Kiril Stanoev
the Telerik team
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