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Change LegendLabel in Code behine

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Abdulhameed asked on 10 Apr 2012, 06:29 AM
I have a chart with three Series Mapping two lines, and one area chart, for the legend I am using auto generated items and setting the label on the series mapping. see the code below

<telerik:RadChart HorizontalAlignment="Left" telerik:StyleManager.Theme="Metro"
                          Name="SeisLineChart" VerticalAlignment="Top"
                          ItemsSource="{Binding}"  Height="500" Width="700" Margin="0">
                <telerik:ChartDefaultView ChartLegendPosition="Bottom">
                        <telerik:ChartTitle FontSize="13" Padding="2" />
                        <telerik:ChartLegend x:Name="DailyProductionRefLegend" Header="" UseAutoGeneratedItems="True"  Padding="2,2,5,1" HorizontalAlignment="Center" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center"/>
                        <telerik:ChartArea Grid.Row="1" Grid.RowSpan="2" x:Name="chartArea" LegendName="DailyProductionRefLegend" >
                                <telerik:AxisY x:Name="yAxis" Title="Unit" AutoRange="True" DefaultLabelFormat="#VAL{###,###}"/>
                                <telerik:AxisX x:Name="xAxis" Title="Weeks" AutoRange="True" LabelStep="4" IsDateTime="False"/>
                <telerik:SeriesMapping x:Name="FiveYearsRangeMapping" LegendLabel="5 Year Ranges">
                        <telerik:RangeSeriesDefinition SeriesName="FiveYearsRange" ShowItemLabels="False" 
                        <telerik:ItemMapping DataPointMember="XCategory"  FieldName="Week" />
                        <telerik:ItemMapping DataPointMember="High" FieldName="HighValue" />
                        <telerik:ItemMapping DataPointMember="Low" FieldName="LowValue" />
                <telerik:SeriesMapping x:Name="LastYearMapping" LegendLabel="Last Year">
                        <!--<telerik:SplineSeriesDefinition ShowItemLabels="False"  ShowItemToolTips="True" ItemToolTipFormat="#DATAITEM.Quantity{###,###,##0} #DATAITEM.UnitCode"/>-->
                        <telerik:LineSeriesDefinition SeriesName="LastYear" ShowItemLabels="False" 
                        <telerik:GroupingSettings ShouldCreateSeriesForLastGroup="True">
                                <telerik:ChartGroupDescriptor Member="Product"/>
                        <telerik:ItemMapping DataPointMember="XCategory"  FieldName="Week" />
                        <telerik:ItemMapping DataPointMember="YValue" FieldName="LastYearQ" />
                <telerik:SeriesMapping x:Name="CurrentYearMapping" LegendLabel="Current Year">
                        <telerik:LineSeriesDefinition SeriesName="CurrentYear" ShowItemLabels="False" 
                        <telerik:ItemMapping DataPointMember="XCategory"  FieldName="Week" />
                        <telerik:ItemMapping DataPointMember="YValue" FieldName="CurrentYeatQ" />

However when I tired to change the legend label from code behind it didn't work
SeisLineChart.SeriesMappings[0].LegendLabel = "New Legend label";

What is the best way yo change the legend label from code behind?

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answered on 12 Apr 2012, 11:04 AM
Hello Abdulhameed,

The way you are setting the LegendLabel in code behind is the correct one, however I was not able to reproduce the issue you have described. Please, find attached a sample project with a scenario similar to yours. If it does not help you solve your issue, could you send us a small runnable project isolating the problem, so we could provide you with an appropriate solution.

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answered on 14 Apr 2012, 07:15 AM
The attached project didn't load properly.

However I figured it out, the below code worked fine
((DataSeriesCollection)SeisLineChart.DefaultView.ChartArea.DataSeries)[1].LegendLabel = "Last Year, 2011 ";
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