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CanUserPin = true on a floating pane that has CanUserPin is false does not seem to work.

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Pieter asked on 09 Nov 2012, 08:25 AM
I have a telerik layout with docked and undocked panes. In my application the user can switch the layouting of the screen on and off.
I use the following code for that:
foreach (RadPane myPane in myDocking.Panes)
     WPFControlLogic.SetPaneChangeFlags(myPane, myPane.IsFloating);
public static void SetPaneChangeFlags(RadPane radPane, bool IsFloating)
    if (UserCanChangeLayout)
        radPane.CanUserClose = true;
        radPane.CanUserPin = true;
        radPane.CanFloat = true;
        radPane.CanUserClose = IsFloating;
        radPane.CanUserPin = false;
        radPane.CanFloat = false;
} // SetPaneChangeFlags

I use this code on a layout that is loaded where all panes having CanUserPin false, CanUserClose false and CanFloat false, except the floating pane, that has CanUserClose is true, but CanUserPin en CanFloat is false.

After running the code wih UserCanChangeLatyout is true all docked panes can be dragged and docked again, but the floating pane I have still can not be docked. So the CanUserPin = true did not seem to work on a floating pane.

Any clues how to solve this?

Thanks in advance for your response,


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answered on 14 Nov 2012, 08:19 AM
Hello Pieter,

Pinning and docking of RadPanes are two different things in the control.

Setting the CanUserPin property of RadPane to true/false will show/hide the pin button on the top right corner of that Pane. In the case when a Pane is floating that button is hidden by default and changing the CanUserPin property will seem as it does nothing but if you Dock the pane you will notice that the button is shown.

I recorded a short video showing what I mean.

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