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In my project, I want to change RadComboBox's ItemsPanel : Combo show ToolTip for String value too long and dropdownlist's width isn't spanned when value is too long. With short combos, when opened, dropdownlist's width is 300 pixel. With combos that longer than 300 pixel, I want dropdownlist's width = combo's width. To do that, I used ItemTemplate for ToolTip and ItemsPanel for dropdownlist's width.
This work when combo's width is small but when combo's width too long, only dropdownlist's width is spanned, Yellow area show which item is selected not spanned. I implemented SizeChanged event, clear old ItemsPanel, pass new ItemsPanel for combo
Any way to fix this error?
This work when combo's width is small but when combo's width too long, only dropdownlist's width is spanned, Yellow area show which item is selected not spanned. I implemented SizeChanged event, clear old ItemsPanel, pass new ItemsPanel for combo
Dim s As String = "<ItemsPanelTemplate xmlns=""""><VirtualizingStackPanel HorizontalAlignment=""Left"" Width=""" + newWidth.ToString + """/></ItemsPanelTemplate>" |
Dim oItemsPanelTemplate As ItemsPanelTemplate = XamlReader.Load(s) |
If cbo.ItemsPanel IsNot Nothing Then |
cbo.ItemsPanel = Nothing |
End If |
cbo.ItemsPanel = oItemsPanelTemplate |
Me.ApplyTemplate() |
Any way to fix this error?