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Calendar defect leaving "focused" remnants on 'aria-selected' cells

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Ryan asked on 16 Nov 2012, 09:00 PM
There appears to be a bug in the recent Kendo UI Web 2012.3.1114 release in regards to the Calendar control. When navigating the calendar using the arrows to go from month to month the calendar is highlighting a day in each month. When inspecting the highlighted cell, the attribute 'aria-selected' is on the TD element that is being highlighted. It appears to have the styles defined by the "k-state-focused" css rule.

Steps to recreate.
1) Go to (today's date is 11/16/2012)
2) Click the left arrow to go to October
3) Notice that October 16 is highlighted gray
4) Click left again to go to September
5) Notice Sept 16 is also highlighted gray

- Windows 7
- Firefox 16, IE 9, and Chrome

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Georgi Krustev
Telerik team
answered on 19 Nov 2012, 09:51 AM
Hello Ryan,

Here is a quote of my answer to the support ticket opened on the same subject:

Since the Q3 2012 (2012.3.1114) release of Kendo UI we have added a keyboard support to all widgets in the Web suite. The Calendar widget also have a keyboard support and the described behavior is part of this functionality. When the widget is focused (step 2), the widget will higlight the currect focused date or today's date if nothing is selected. The "k-state-focused" CSS class shows to the end user, which is the current focused date. He can selects the date using the Enter key (check this demo for more information).

If you need to avoid this behavior, you can change the CSS styling of the focused cell. Here is a jsBindemo, which shows how to achieve this.

I will ask you to continue our conversation in the support ticket in order to avoid any duplications.

Kind regards,
Georgi Krustev
the Telerik team
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Georgi Krustev
Telerik team
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