Currently I am populating a radgridview with Assembly information name="theAsmGrid". The RadGridView has a RowDetailsTemplate that has a RadTabControl with two tabs Scans/Parts. Within the Scans tab is an additional RadGridView name="theScanGrid" with a Loaded=RadGridView_Loaded" that fires when I open the details +/-.
I can retrieve the parent information:
That information is then used to bring back data. What I am struggling with is how to bind data to the "theScanGrid" for the expanded detail row. I am getting the correct data returned.
I can retrieve the parent information:
aRow = ((RadGridView)sender).ParentOfType<GridViewRow>();
if (aRow == null) return;
Assembly anAsm = (Assembly)aRow.DataContext;
That information is then used to bring back data. What I am struggling with is how to bind data to the "theScanGrid" for the expanded detail row. I am getting the correct data returned.