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Binding CellStyle in a RadGridView

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Juan asked on 02 Sep 2010, 09:34 PM
I have a GridView where for certain the values are Nullable Booleans, when the value happens to be null, the controls renders a CheckBox with the IsTrueState property to true, presenting a CheckBox with a minus sign on it, something I feel is quite unnoticeable, so I decided to color the cell with a background color but only when the condition of being null is met. the problem is that the binding seems to be ignored by the control

I have the following code: For the Value Converter.

public class TriStateBooleanToStyleValueConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value, 
Type targetType, 
object parameter, 
System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
ResourceDictionary converterDictionary = new ResourceDictionary()

Source = new Uri("/SilverlightApplication1;component/Assets/Styles.xaml"UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute) 

 (value == null)
return converterDictionary["NullCellRedStyle"as Style;
return converterDictionary["NullCellWhiteStyle"as Style;

 object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException();


For the Styles defined in Styles.xaml

<Style x:Key="NullCellRedStyle" TargetType="telerik:GridViewCell">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="#FFFFD8D8"/>

<Style x:Key="NullCellWhiteStyle" TargetType="telerik:GridViewCell">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="#FFFFFFFF"/>
Also have the Converter defined as a resource in the same styles file
<converters:TriStateBooleanToStyleValueConverter x:Key="TriBoolToStyle"/>
At the column level I have the following:
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn Header="To Pay" MinWidth="70" Width="90" DataMemberBinding="{Binding Path=ToPay}" CellStyle="{Binding Path=ToPay, Converter={StaticResource TriBoolToStyle}}" />
I define the CellStyle directly without binding and it works, also, I placed a breakpoint into the converter and it is never reached.
Juan Mejia

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answered on 03 Sep 2010, 07:08 AM

 You cannot use Binding in this case since the context of the column is the context of the grid it self - not the data item. You can put desired control in CellTemplate and apply the same binding - in this case everything will work as expected. It will be better however if you use our CellStyleSelector instead - it will be easier.

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answered on 03 Sep 2010, 04:09 PM
Your tip showed me the way to implement it, I am sharing my solutions for others to use in case they face the same issue.

I created a ConditionalNullStyleSelector class this way:

public class ConditionalNullStyleSelector : StyleSelector
  public enum CellColumn
  public override Style SelectStyle(object item, DependencyObject container)
    Product product;
    Style style = null;
    if(item is Product)
      product = (Product)item;
        case CellColumn.HasDiscount:
          style = PickStyle(product.HasDiscount);
        case CellColumn.Price:
          style = PickStyle(product.Cost);
        case CellColumn.InStock:
          style = PickStyle(product.InStock);
      style = PickStyle(0);
    return style;
  public CellColumn ColumnToCheck { get; set; }
  private Style PickStyle(object value)
    ResourceDictionary converterDictionary = new ResourceDictionary()
      Source = new Uri("/SilverlightApplication1;component/Assets/Styles.xaml",
    if (value == null)
      return converterDictionary["NullCellRedStyle"] as Style;
      return converterDictionary["NullCellWhiteStyle"] as Style;

In the Styles file

<helpers:ConditionalNullStyleSelector x:Key="HasDiscountStyleSelector"
                            ColumnToCheck ="HasDiscount"/>
<helpers:ConditionalNullStyleSelector x:Key="PriceStyleSelector"
                          ColumnToCheck ="Price"/>
<helpers:ConditionalNullStyleSelector x:Key="InStockStyleSelector"
                          ColumnToCheck ="InStock"/>
<Style x:Key="NullCellRedStyle" TargetType="telerik:GridViewCell">
  <Setter Property="Background" Value="#FFFFD8D8"/>
<Style x:Key="NullCellWhiteStyle" TargetType="telerik:GridViewCell">
  <Setter Property="Background" Value="#FFFFFFFF"/>

And In the GridView

<telerik:GridViewDataColumn Header="Has Discount" 
                   DataMemberBinding="{Binding Path=HasDiscount}" 
                   CellStyleSelector="{StaticResource HasDiscountStyleSelector}" />
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn Header="Price" 
                   DataMemberBinding="{Binding Path=Price}" 
                   DataFormatString="{} {0:C0}" 
                   CellStyleSelector="{StaticResource PriceStyleSelector}" />
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn Header="InStock" 
                   DataMemberBinding="{Binding Path=InStock}" 
                   CellStyleSelector="{StaticResource InStockStyleSelector}" />

Juan Mejia

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answered on 14 Feb 2012, 04:50 PM

void grdWorkOrderItems_RowLoaded(object sender, RowLoadedEventArgs e)
          if (e.Row is GridViewRow)
              foreach (GridViewCell cell in e.Row.Cells)
                  switch (cell.Column.UniqueName)
                      case "selectColumn":
                      case "omrsColumn":
                          Binding cellStyleBinding = new Binding
                              Source = e.Row.DataContext,
                              Path = new PropertyPath("IsChecked"),
                              Converter = LayoutRoot.Resources["CheckedStyleSelector"] as IValueConverter,
                          cell.SetBinding(GridViewCell.StyleProperty, cellStyleBinding);

For the sake of completeness, I was actually able to bind to the cell style and supply a converter as in the first example by setting the Binding source in the codebehind such as in the above code...I didn't; however, test it long enough to determine if there were any major issues, as that technique proved to be pointless after I got the CellStyleSelector working correctly...regards,

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