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Advice. 1 plugin w/6 gauges, 4 charts or 10 plugins?

2 Answers 32 Views
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Theron Kousek
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Rank 1
Theron Kousek asked on 26 Apr 2010, 06:56 PM
Hi All

We're tasked with creating a page that looks like a car dashboard that will kick off a total of 10+ reports using Silveright 4/Telerik.    The page is contained within a system that is mostly ASP.NET master pages.   But this one page would be in Silverlight within the master page.   We've got this proofed out with proof of concept code.   Each report has to be reprented by it's summary.   So we will have 6 radgauges for 6 summary totals and 4 barcharts for the other reports.   At the company, we have experienced web designers in HTML/css that are very good at laying out screens/designs in html/css but none of us are really all that experienced with complicated zippy layouts in Silverlight and nobody in the web design group has used Blend.

A coworker presented me with a great idea.   Rather than having 1 silverlight control that encapsulates all of the gauges and barcharts, couldn't we have the layout still be in html/css and we load 9 object tags for the silverlight plugins?   Each object tag would simply load up just 1 radguage or 1 bar chart and no more than just one control.  It would be windowless so the background image would still be the html or backing .bmp that the web designers lay out.  There would be no need for each silverlight control to communicate with the other silverlight control.    They would be wrapped in it's own .ascx user control and the master page itself would contain the layouts for the 8-9 ascx controls (where each has it's own silverlight plugin/object tag).

I really like that as we can leverage the html/css skills of the designers and eliminate the high learning curve of xaml and blend.

My only concern though is the performance.   Each object tag has down download the plugin.   Are the browser's smart enough to have these plugin's all share the same silverlight/.net4 runtime and will there be any performance related issues with this?

The coworker that had this idea is experienced with flash and he said they had similar pages that embedded flash plugins like this and they did not suffer any significant performance issues so we're thinking there's hope for this particular solution on the silverlight side.

Any wisdom/opinions on this would be greatly appreciated!!


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Vladimir Milev
Telerik team
answered on 29 Apr 2010, 12:48 PM
Hi Theron Kousek,

I would personally advise to ship all controls in the same XAP file (same silverlight app). Silverlight has much richer layout capabilities and besides you can manage all gauges/charts at the same time coordinating their appearance and data.

Vladimir Milev
the Telerik team

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Theron Kousek
Top achievements
Rank 1
answered on 29 Apr 2010, 01:07 PM
thank you!!!
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Theron Kousek
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Vladimir Milev
Telerik team
Theron Kousek
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