Kendo UI R2'17 Release Webinar

Kendo UI R2'17 Release Webinar

Highlights include:


Kendo UI for Angular

  • Kendo UI for Angular Final. Compatible with ng2 and ng4 - Built from the ground up on Angular, Kendo UI for Angular is now final!
  • Angular Grid - The new grid enhancements since RC0 include Multi-column headers, Export to PDF, Responsive columns configuration and Filtering through a filter row, as well as plethora of performance and stability improvements to make it the best and most robust Angular grid on the market
  • New Saas theme builder and Bootstrap 4 theme
  • Two New Charts: StockChart and Sparkline - round up our extensive data visualization offering which started with Chart. The Chart widget itself gives you fifteen options to choose from

Kendo UI for jQuery

  • New Saas Theme Builder and Bootstrap 4 theme - Provide advanced functionality in applications leveraging Bootstrap UI components and Bootstrap look and feel
  • Plethora of Grid improvements - We have added more events, allowing you to pre-define Grid sync with DataSource without further user action. In addition, now you can allow the user to refresh the grid manually, forcing a refresh if they like
  • New ListBox Component - The ListBox supports single or multiple selection, reordering of selected items, and deleting items and features keyboard navigation as well as the dragging and dropping of items.
  • New DateInput Component - The date input widget facilitates easy, error-free date entry through the keyboard. It supports typing of numbers, as well as incrementing/decrementing the day/month/year values with the arrow keys.


John Bristowe, Burke Holland, Tara Manicsic

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