React Wednesdays: Partytown - Run Third-PartyScripts From a Web Worker

React Wednesdays: Partytown - Run Third-PartyScripts From a Web Worker

On this episode of React Wednesdays, we welcomed Adam Bradley, creator of Partytown - a fun location for your third-party scripts to hang out.

Adam has a pretty awesome background too - he helped create Ionic Framework, built Stencil.js, and right now he's a Director of Technology at

His current project, Partytown is a lazy-loaded 6kb library that helps relocate resource-intensive scripts into a web worker and off of the main thread. Its goal is to help speed up sites by dedicating the main thread to your code and offloading third-party scripts to a web worker.

Adam demoed Partytown live and was awesome enough to answer all the questions TJ had! Check out Partytown's repo.