Dynamic Component Architecture (Reusable Tables, Reusable Modals) | The Angular Walkabout

Dynamic Component Architecture (Reusable Tables, Reusable Modals) | The Angular Walkabout

Join the awesome Oyemade Oyemaja and Alyssa Nicoll as they take a look at how you can create a reusable table component that can cater to various use cases! There are a lot of reasons why we should use reusable components, with the basics already built, 80% of the work is done and you can save time and money. That means getting the app done faster and for less cost.

In very large organizations, having a shared database of components prevents duplicity across teams.

Let's dive into it!

Recently this idea of lowering the bar to entry and making Angular more beginner-friendly has been coming up more and more. This Angular Walkabout Stream is a way of making a push towards this effort! Join Alyssa Nicoll and many incredible Angular Community members for an epic tour covering a variety of Angular topics with the Angular Walkabout stream — Beginners welcome!