

Release History

Telerik UI for Silverlight is Retiring

Driven by the evolution of technology and industry standards, Progress Software is deprecating Telerik UI for Silverlight effective December 1, 2023. Technical support and critical fixes will be available until December 1, 2024.

UI for Silverlight R1 2023

January 18, 2023

What's New

  • Created a new ScatterRangeBarSeries visualization in RadChartView that allows you to display bars that have meaning on both axes - horizontal and vertical. This series can be used to create histogram visualizations. For easier setup of the data, you can use the ChartHistogramSource.
  • Introduced IsGroupHeadersVirtualizationEnabled property in RadScheduleView that is handy in scenarios with a lot of resources in order to speed up scrolling performance.


  • Introduced support for axes rendering, when no data is available.
  • Created a new ScatterRangeBarSeries visualization in RadChartView that allows you to display bars that have meaning on both axes - horizontal and vertical. This series can be used to create histogram visualizations. For easier setup of the data, you can use the ChartHistogramSource.


  • Introduced AutoCompleteSelectionMode property which can be used to determine if partial matches will be selected or whether items are selected only if they exactly match the typed text.


  • Exposed constant to control minimum distance for which snapping next to shapes is enabled - DiagramConstants.MinimumShapeDistanceOnConnectionManipulationSnap.
  • Exception is thrown when trying to attach a connection to a shape with UseDefaultConnectors set to False and no custom connectors.


  • Loading the layout does not set the size of the ToolWindow created for a floating-only pane.


  • Added GridViewAlternateRowStyle which can be used for setting an alternating row background.
  • Implemented an option to change the default number of distinct values shown by setting the DefaultDistinctValuesCount property.
  • Wrong aggregate values in group headers on scroll when column virtualization is disabled and aggregates alignment is different than NoAlignment.
  • The wrong item is displayed after a selection when the IsLightweightModeEnabled of a GridViewComboBoxColumn is set to True.
  • Distinct values filtering doesn't work when OptimizeDistinctFilterQuery of the column is set to True and the distinct values are more than 500. It can be fixed by setting RadGridView`s DefaultDistinctValuesCount property.


  • ZoomLevel of LocationRect returns unexpectedly int.MinValue if the rect's width or height has value close to 0.


  • When AcceptsReturn is true, pressing Enter key before the previous key has been released deletes the last input char unexpectedly.


  • 'The Name property of a focusable element must not be null' accessibility error in minimized area.

PDF Viewer

  • A specific scanned file is not displayed with the new model.
  • Some Image XObjects are imported but not displayed in PdfViewer.
  • Text is extracted with missing characters when there are glyphs mapped to two or more Unicode character values.


  • Introduced Find API allowing the user to search for concrete text in a PDF document.
  • A specific scanned file is not displayed with the new model.
  • Some Image XObjects are imported but not displayed in PdfViewer.
  • A NotImplementedException is thrown when editing and exporting text with CID font and CFF font source.
  • An InvalidOperationException is thrown when importing a PDF document and parsing a name start character followed by a dictionary end one.
  • EndOfStreamException is thrown when importing a document containing an EI keyword not followed by а space or return.
  • Text is extracted with missing characters when there are glyphs mapped to two or more Unicode character values.


  • Introduced the option to load data as the groups are expanded through the EnableLoadOnDemand property of the XmlaDataProvider/AdomdDataProvider.
  • Applying a label GroupFilter to a RowGroupDescription results in filtering out the matching column groups and vice versa.


  • Introduced support for East Asian Font attribute 'eastAsia' when exporting Run fonts 'rFonts'.
  • Using advanced selection over a line break also selects the first word on the following line.
  • Bookmarks are missing on import if they are direct children of a table or a table row.
  • Text input is sometimes inserted at the beginning of the next paragraph when the cursor is moved fast to the end of a paragraph with a mouse click.


  • Introduced IsGroupHeadersVirtualizationEnabled property in RadScheduleView that is handy in scenarios with a lot of resources in order to speed up scrolling performance.


  • Indicators are not updated when items are added at runtime.


  • If Workbook's History is disabled Unmerge command doesn't work.
  • Relationship Id error when parsing an image with a hyperlink without ID.
  • Shared formulas do not work when there is no cell reference in the cell element
  • 12:00 am is not parsed as valid time.
  • Fill down (Ctrl-D) is not working in a protected worksheet with an unlocked range of cells.


  • If Workbook's History is disabled Unmerge command doesn't work.
  • PrintPreviewControl throws a NullReferenceException when it is in the GridView Print example.
  • 12:00 am is not parsed as valid time.
  • Fill down (Ctrl-D) is not working in a protected worksheet with an unlocked range of cells.


  • Exposed InvertMouseWheelScrollDirection property to allow inverting the scroll direction when using the mouse wheel over the tab strip panel.
  • Scrolling with the arrow keys is incorrect when there are collapsed tabs and ScrollMode is Item.


  • The foreground of Prompt, Confirm, and Alert dialogs remain black when applying a custom dark Windows8Touch palette. Applicable for the Windows8, Office2013, and ViusalStudio2013 themes too.

UI for Silverlight


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