

Release History

Telerik UI for Silverlight is Retiring

Driven by the evolution of technology and industry standards, Progress Software is deprecating Telerik UI for Silverlight effective December 1, 2023. Technical support and critical fixes will be available until December 1, 2024.

UI for Silverlight R1 2021 SP1

February 24, 2021


  • Enabled adjusting the alignment of the RadPathButton's content both through the HorizontalContentAlignment and VerticalContentAlignment properties when the Path's Stretch is None.


  • Incorrect scale animation in data-bound PieChart.


  • The elements in the Content property of DataFormDataField set in XAML are not displayed.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when loading the control and the AutoGenerateFields is false.


  • InvalidOperationException when using GraphSource of the diagram and the RadDiagramRibbon shape tool.
  • StackOverflowException is thrown when the Layout() method of Diagram is called and the diagram's router is OrgTreeRouter.


  • AutoHideArea does not respect Background, BorderBrush, and BorderThickness.


  • ArgumentException is thrown when trying to add a new item which returns null in its ToString override.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown while updating items with sorting and grouping enabled.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when the DisplayIndex property is bound of the parent and child grid.
  • Memory leak when exporting to Xlsx and Pdf formats.
  • Setting a column in the grid's Column collection does not trigger proper virtualization
  • Runtime change of GridViewExpressionColumn's TextAlignment is not applied to the cells.


  • Standard fonts do not respect font style and font weight when the original font is not found.
  • ArgumentException is thrown when merging a document containing Link annotation without action or destination.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when parsing an object stream that contains endObj keyword.


  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException in RestoreType function if the application name contains Telerik, AllowCrossVersion is set to true, and custom property provider is used.


  • Sums of hierarchies (Subtotals) cannot be turned off.


  • Added support for export of .ico image files.
  • Image adorner is not properly ported and it is not displayed in .NET Core.
  • When multiple RadRichTextBox instances are created in separate threads, clicking on image results in a thread access exception.
  • Double clicking a cell before layout changes are fully updated may result in an exception.
  • The paste options are not respected when using the Paste method for the first time.
  • The caret position is incorrect when there is a global ScrollViewer style that sets the FlowDirection to RightToLeft.


  • The view is not laid out properly when navigating away from and then back to the 'today view' in a DayViewDefinition.
  • The dialog for editing an occurrence from a series is not modal.


  • Exported CSV should have an extra comma-separated field in place of empty cells.
  • Introduced an API for changing the culture used by the library.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException when importing Worksheet containing a column with higher width than the spreadsheet default value for the maximum column width.
  • Importing an XLS document containing a defined name with spaces in the sheet name causes an exception.
  • Wrong calculation of column width when a NonTopLeftCellInMergedRange has value.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when importing a document containing a defined name and a Chartsheet preceding the Worksheet.
  • An exception is thrown when importing a document with a row height higher than the Spreadsheet's MaxRowHeight default value.
  • Clearing an entire row is too slow.
  • The TabColor is lost on import/export scenario and in case it is set in the code.


  • Introduced an API for changing the culture used by the library.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException when importing Worksheet containing a column with higher width than the spreadsheet default value for the maximum column width.
  • Importing an XLS document containing a defined name with spaces in the sheet name causes an exception.
  • Wrong calculation of column width when a NonTopLeftCellInMergedRange has value.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when importing a document containing a defined name and a Chartsheet preceding the Worksheet.
  • An exception is thrown when importing a document with a row height higher than the Spreadsheet's MaxRowHeight default value.
  • Clearing an entire row is too slow.


  • Implemented ExpanderButtonMinWidth property of RadTreeViewItem to support scenarios with smaller ItemsIndent and tree lines. Users can now set it to smaller/wider than default values in order to shrink/widen the expander button. In combination with smaller ItemsIndent users can achieve more compact and tight tree lines and items' indentations.

UI for Silverlight


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