

Release History

Telerik UI for Silverlight is Retiring

Driven by the evolution of technology and industry standards, Progress Software is deprecating Telerik UI for Silverlight effective December 1, 2023. Technical support and critical fixes will be available until December 1, 2024.

UI for Silverlight 2011.31116

November 15, 2011

Q3 2011

New Controls:



Our brand new Telerik ChartView control empowers users to understand and analyze complex data and ensures great performance for your data visualization endeavors. The new architecture comes to serve the numerous requests for improvements of our RadChart offering. RadChartView uses the charting engine from our Windows Phone 7 chart and guarantees flexibility, advanced customization options and unique performance.



RadVirtualizingWrapPanel boosts the performance of your ListBox/ListView when binding to a large amount of data. The control generates only the visible items and positions them in a sequential position from left to right and top to bottom, breaking content to the next line at the edge of its containing box.



RadBarcode allows you to accurately track your physical products with native high-quality vector-based images that follow the most popular and widely-adopted barcode symbologies.



With this new control you can rapidly execute arithmetic operations with classic calculator functionality or enjoy RadCalculator in a space-saving drop-down control, allowing users to use calculations in editing and input scenarios.



The controls enables you to view PDF documents right within your Silverlight application without the need for an external viewer. You can also scroll, pan and zoom within loaded PDF files to get a better view of the content and enjoy low memory use and fast, responsive performance because visual elements are only created when visible.



RadColorEditor enables you to add color editing functionality for easier customization through support for major color types (including RGB, HSV, HLS, CMYK, and HEX), Alpha Channel and Color history. Modify the alpha channel to provide transparency or quickly repeat selections.




Important Changes:

  • The default filter editor for numeric types is now TextBox instead of RadMaskedTextBox.
  • The StringFilterEditor control has two new properties now -- Text and IsCaseSensitive. If you create this editor manually instead of relying on the FilterEditorFactory, you have to bind these two properties to the "Value" and "IsCaseSensitive" properties of the view model respectively.
  • Deleting the entire text from the StringFilterEditor will now clear the filter instead of filtering on string.Empty.

What's New:

  • Added: RadGridView.FilterOperatorsLoading event.
  • Added: Support for IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem interface.
  • Added: Merged column headers (column groups).
  • Added: DynamicObject editing support.
  • Added: Error indicator tooltip for GridViewRow and GridViewNewRow.
  • Added: RadGridView.RowDetailsVisibilityChanging event.
  • Added: API for scrolling item into view by item's index.
  • Added: Deferred filtering mode (GridViewColumn has two new properties now -- IsFilteringDeferred and ShowFilterButton)
  • Added: Missing resources in the external themes.
  • Added: Partial binding support for column group and sort descriptors.
  • Added: RowResizing/RowResized events.
  • Added: Special localizable representations for null and string.Empty values in the distinct values list. The respective resource keys are "GridViewFilterDistinctValueStringEmpty" and "GridViewFilterDistinctValueNull" respectively.
  • Added: New property MatchCaseVisibility to the StringFilterEditor.
  • Added: Added comparison filtering (>, >=, <, <=) for TimeSpan values.

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed: QueryableCollectionView.ItemCount is not properly updated when the SourceCollection does not support notifications and the Refresh method is called.
  • Fixed: Changed the LINQ expression generated for the filtering Where clause from "==" to "Object.Equals" when the provider is LinqToObjects.
  • Fixed: When RadGridView.Items.DescriptorSynchronizationMode is set to SynchronizationMode.None, RadGridView stops filtering, sorting and grouping
  • Fixed: Changing the effective ElementType at run-time while the grid is grouped, filtered or sorted results in an InvalidCastException.
  • Fixed: The string filter operators (Contains, etc.) are shown even if the column type is Object.
  • Fixed: Nullable comparable types do not offer the comparison filtering operators like their non-nullable counterparts do.
  • Fixed: The distinct values of a nullable type column are not displayed when there is a null value among them.
  • Fixed: Case-insensitive filtering for string.Empty or null values generates unneeded ToLower() calls that distort the filtering result.
  • Fixed: A visual glitch above the header cells appeared when no column headers were defined.
  • Fixed: ArgumentNullException when item is removed within RowEditEnded and commit is triggered with a click on the same row (on the "empty" column).
  • Fixed: Cached template child problems.
  • Fixed: Clear items from the underlying collection while there is a selected cell in edit mode results in DataErrorException.
  • Fixed: Commands are not initialized in the grid static constructor.
  • Fixed: Copy/paste error with ScrollIndexIntoView functionality.
  • Fixed: Filtering a nullable type column through one of the field filter editors will refuse to accept the entered value.
  • Fixed: First row is not visible when only one row wxists in the grid.
  • Fixed: Incorrect position of headercell drag cue when flowdirection is right to left.
  • Fixed: Issue with expand level and expand button.
  • Fixed: Issues related to dynamic object support.
  • Fixed: Sorting descriptors problem.
  • Fixed: Deleting the entire text from the StringFilterEditor should clear the filter instead of filtering on string.Empty.
  • Fixed: Unused recyclable containers of GridViewItemContainerGenerator are cleared at the end of the measure pass of GridViewVirtualizingPanel.
  • Fixed: Last row is not visible.
  • Fixed: Issues with column filtering.
  • Fixed: Incorrect position of headercell drag cue when flowdirection is right to left.
  • Fixed: RadGridView does not respond to INotifyPropertyChanged on dynamic objects.
  • Fixed: The filtering funnels of columns with custom filtering controls are incorrectly switched off when other columns are being filtered.
  • Fixed: GridViewCell validation is not consistent when VaidatesOnDataErrors="InViewMode".
  • Fixed: Issues with row activated.
  • Fixed: Issues with not updating footer aggregates
  • Fixed: Selection changed event is not fired when first cell of the first row is clicked.
  • Fixed: Issue with extended selection in grouped scenario.
  • Fixed: Focus set initially to GridViewDataControl on MouseLeftButtonDown event.
  • Fixed: Memory leak caused by CurrentCellInfo of RadGridView.
  • Fixed: Null reference exception inside GridViewFooterCell.
  • Fixed: RadGridView does not clear GridViewRow.ToolTip on CancelEdit().
  • Fixed: RadGridView steals focus from a button inside RadGridView.
  • Fixed: TypeConverter is not taken into account when set to a property.
  • Fixed: NullReferenceException at GridViewCellAutomationPeer.GetNameCore().
  • Fixed: Second commit skips data validation.
  • Fixed: Underscores in distinct values are treated as accelerator key symbols by the distinct value check-box.
  • Fied: Exception when try to drop column from another grid with irrelevant DisplayIndex.
  • Fixed: Issue with ScrollIntoViewAsync method (PageDown) when row height is greater than RadGridView height.
  • Fixed: Issue with cell tooltip when cells are being recycled (empty tooltips appeared).
  • Fixed: Issues with forbidden sign while dragging header cells. Now Drag and Drop query events while dragging headers will be handled and if needed to attach to the event element.Addhandler() with handledtoo parameters is needed.
  • Fixed: RadGridView ignores Command bindings for Copy, Paste and SelectAll application commands.
  • Fixed: Multiple column sorting does not work on a RadGridView bound to a RadDomainDataSource when RadGridView.Items.DescriptorSynchronizationMode is set to SynchronizationMode.None.
  • Fixed: GroupFooters are not visible when Column virtualization is off.
  • Fixed: Keydown event is not handled properly when it is raised by a child grid element.
  • Fixed: An issue where RadGridView does not respond to property changes after it has been unloaded from the VisualTree.
  • Fixed: EffectiveHierarchyExpandButtonStyleSelector is not called when RadGridView is refreshed (due to sorting, filtering, etc.).
  • Fixed: Grouping a RadGridView bound to a RadDomainDataSource, causes the RadDomainDataSource to go to the server even if its AutoLoad property is false.
  • Fixed: Issue with dynamic hyperlink column and textwrapping.


What's New:

  • Added: Row resizing functionality.
  • Memory and performance optimizations.
  • Added: New property AutoLoadHierarhy. The new property is false by default - when set to true the treelist will initialize the entire hierarchy when ItemsSource is assigned.


Important changes:

  • Deleting the entire text from the StringFilterEditor will now clear the filter instead of filtering on string.Empty.
  • The StringFilterEditor control has two new properties now -- Text and IsCaseSensitive. If you create this editor manually instead of relying on the FilterEditorFactory, you have to bind these two properties to the "Value" and "IsCaseSensitive" properties of the filtering view model respectively.
  • The default filter editor for numeric types is now TextBox instead of RadMaskedTextBox.

What's New:

  • Added: Comparison filtering (>, >=, <, <=) for TimeSpan values.
  • Added: StringFilterEditor.MatchCaseVisibility property.

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed: The filter operator sometimes disappears when changing the member.
  • Fixed: RadDataFilter raises the FilterEditorCreated event twice when a new filter is created.
  • Fixed: Deleting the entire text from the StringFilterEditor should clear the filter instead of filtering on string.Empty.


What's Fixed:

  • Fixed: DataPagerAutomationPeer GetChildren().
  • Fixed: RadDataPager does not properly dispose its PagedSource.


What's Fixed:

    Fixed: Grouping a RadGridView bound to a RadDomainDataSource, causes the RadDomainDataSource to go to the server even if its AutoLoad property is false. Fixed: Filtering on a null value with operators IsContainedIn and IsNotContainedIn results in an exception. Fixed: EntityQueryExtensions.Where method does not respect the top-level logical operator of the passed in filter descriptors.


What's New:

  • Added: AddedNewItem event to RadDataForm in order to allow additional initialization of newly added items.
  • RadDataForm validation improvements.
  • Added: Support for custom validation errors (adding external errors).

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed: RadDataFrom does not clear validation errors when navigating in AutoEdit mode.
  • Fixed: When a textbox was placed as editor , not wrapped in a field, no validation errors were reported t...
  • Fixed: A null reference exception in DataForm validation
  • Fixed: RadDataFrom does not clear validation errors when navigating in AutoEdit mode


What's New:

  • Added: PropertyGrid DynamicObject basic support + on demand loading.
  • Added: RadPropertyGrid nested properteis support.
  • Added: Callback for the AutoGeneratePropertyDefinitions property of the RadPropertyGrid.
  • Added: Custom ordering.
  • Added: Programatical grouping (IsGrouped property).

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed: Added missing primitive type check + "==null" checks.
  • Fixed: RadPropertyGrid DynamicObject support.
  • Fixed: RadPropertyGrid ICustomTypeDescriptor support.


What's New:

  • Center horizontally the page number in Virtualization QSF example.
  • Text not visible in DataVirtualization/VariousControls example.


What's New:

  • In Metro theme the breadcrumb design was not right
  • In some Themes the SplitButtons had borders when they shouldn't


What's New:

  • Added Localization support

What's Fixed:

  • When using ExpressionDark as application theme, other controls on the page lose mouse over and pressed states even if IsBusy="False"


Breaking Change:

  • You'll encounter a breaking change in the RadButtons if you've set the IsBackgroundProperty to false and you're using custom control templates

What's Fixed:

  • IsBackgroundVisible=false didn't work with Commands
  • Modify the Metro theme Pressed state implementation
  • ToggleButton Checked state was lost on mouse over in Expression_Dark
  • Wrong foreground in Metro and ExpressionDark when IsChecked = true on initial loading


What's Fixed:

  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException on failed DisplayDateStart/End validation
  • TemplateBinding for BorderBrush in CaledarButtonStyle is now fixed


What's New:

  • Exposed SeriesDefinition.MaskVisibility property to control the built-in mask overlay visibility for certain series types (bar, pie, etc.)

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed ZoomScrollSettingsX.RangeStart property value not respected
  • Fixed a rare exception with Spline series type and empty values support when the last data point in the series is empty
  • Fixed ChartArea and ChartLegend part of the default view become out-of-sync if only the legend is user-defined in xaml default view


What's New:

  • Added option to define custom RGB/HSL colors
  • Added custom color selector based on Blend
  • Added Gradient color palette

What's Fixed:

  • Setting AutomaticColor did not work in Expression Dark theme and Metro Theme


What's New:

  • Improved automation peers

What's Fixed:

  • When ComboBox had Items with the same Header, clicking the second item would select the first item with this Header in the list
  • Corrected the Foreground behaviour of ComboBox
  • When ComboBox had Items with the same value of the TextSearchPath, clicking the second item would select the first item with this value in the list
  • SelectedItem was not displayed correctly if DisplayMemberPath starts with a special character: '[', '.', etc.


What's Fixed:

  • GetClickedElement method did not work correctly when elements were in nested popups


What's New:

  • All texts in the UI are now localized
  • Added ParseMode property for making parsing even if ToolTipEnabled=False

What's Fixed:

  • DateTimePicker calendar icon is now fixed in Expression Dark theme
  • When IsTooltipEnabled="False" ParseDateTimeValue event didn't fire on every key stroke
  • Metro theme: drop-down icon overlapped input text when the control was small in width


What's New:

  • SplitContainers property is now public
  • Added GetParentDocking method for ToolWindow
  • Improved Automation peers

What's Fixed:

  • When there was a control with popup in an unpinned Pane, the Pane hid when the Popup was shown
  • Removed IsHeaderHitTestVisible from themes
  • Exception thrown when loading persisted layout containing unpinned panes
  • When focusing a control in the RadPane title template, the dock took the focus
  • When a RadPane's property CanUserClose was set to true and the RadPane's IsHidden was set to true the RadPane was still visible
  • Drag and drop did not work
  • Activation issue when closing a Pane that was in ToolWindow
  • When Pane was dragged in the DocumentHost in Windows 7 theme, an exception was thrown
  • Save layout was not saving hidden panes correctly
  • When docking a pane to a ToolWindow, the active pane became other pane, and not the docked one
  • Active pane issues when dragging and docking panes
  • RadPane captured focus when the pane was unpinned
  • Unable to set Foreground to group headers from styles from GroupHeaderStyleSelector; inheritance of Foreground was broken
  • Compass was displaced when the browser was zoomed
  • The browser froze when the pane was dragged if the Docking control was placed inside a RadWindow control
  • ContextMenu in SL/Metro didn't show on right click in the ToolWindow header


What's Fixed:

  • Double-click on the expander button hides the content


What's Fixed:

  • "Value does not fall within the expected range" exception when placed in RadDocking


What's New:

  • Add IsReadOnly property to RadImageEditorUI that will disable commands and tools that modify the image viewed in the editor
  • Add properties in RadImageEditorUI to customize the visibility of the buttons Save and Open and the commands they execute
  • Binding support for RadImageEditor's Image property
  • Introduce a DrawText tool
  • Add CommandExecuting and CommandExecuted events to enhance extensibility options

What's Fixed:

  • Open and Save commands now respect the registered format providers


What's Fixed:

  • Fixed best view zoom level calculation for non-standard tile sizes
  • Fixed KML HotSpot feature now matches the behavior of Google Earth when positioning icon+text placemarks
  • Fixed NullReferenceException when setting hotspot on MapPinPoint object


Breaking Change:

  • TabNavigation, KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigation properties are no longer considered when tab navigation. Use the SectionsNavigationMode property instead

What's New:

  • Not changing the value after filling all required positions
  • Added a white space between the value and the percentage symbol when using percentage mask

What's Fixed:

  • "Local" tab Navigation did not work correctly in RadDataForm
  • Last required token was not validated
  • MaskedNumericInput Value wasn't properly updated in en-US culture
  • Pasting a floating-point numbers with a comma separator didn't work correctly
  • TabNavigation could not be set with a Style's setter
  • The Vertical Alignment did not work as expected in ExpressionDark theme
  • Validation tooltip closed when the mouse was not over the control
  • When IsReadOnly was set to true, the gray color did not apply properly


Breaking Change:

  • Replace Telerik popup with Microsoft one - with this release the ControlTemplate of the RadMediaPlayer is changed. The FullScreenPopup element type is changed to a System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup. If you have created a custom style for the RadMediaPlayer, please change the type of the FullScreenPopup element accordingly.


What's New:

  • Added IsCurrent property to RadMenuItem


What's Fixed:

  • When UpdateValueEvent="PropertyChanged" and Value=null typing produced incorrect input
  • Clicking on Up/Down buttons of RadNumericUpDown when Value was null should change Value to 0


Breaking Change:

  • PersistenceManager.GetStorage() method returns a new type: Old Type - Dictionary, New Type: ObjectStorage (for convenience, exposes similar methods as Dictionary class)

What's Fixed:

  • BorderBrush was not persisted correctly in Windows Classic theme
  • Unloaded objects were not registered back to store when loaded


What's New:

  • Added UI Automation support
  • Implemented UI Automation for the RadRibbonWindow
  • RibbonWindow's chrome should be themable
  • BackstageItem Disabled state in the BackstageItem ControlTemplate
  • Databinding support for RibbonGroup.Variants collection

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed design-time in VS (default height and width)
  • QAT buttons did not work correctly with ApplicationCommands
  • RadRibbonComboBox`s DisplayMemeberPath did not work correctly in Expression Dark theme
  • RadRibbonToggleButton`s text was too light when the button is ON and ExpressionDarkTheme was applied
  • The style of the RibbonDropDownButton didn`t load in Expression Blend if the DropDownContent was set
  • Variant's Priority property did not work as expected
  • When BackStage was used, IsMinimizable = false did not work


What's New:

  • Support for Microsoft Word-like styles
  • Introduced support for tab stops, first-line and hanging indents (related to Paragraphs). Ruler UI is extended to support the new features
  • RadRichTextBoxRibbonUI now uses the new RadRibbonView control
  • Multiple undo/redo support added plus dropdown undo/redo buttons in Ribbon UI
  • Added DocumentProtection for RadDocument
  • Custom annotations support
  • New Document Element introduced: FloatingUIContainer. It can be used in the same way as InlineUIContainer but text can flow around the container, similarly to floating Images feature
  • Document Import/Export supports FloatingUIContainer
  • Support for indentation of Table elements
  • Implement ICommand.CanExecute and raise CanExecuteChanged for Undo and Redo UI commands
  • Tooltips added in RadRichTextBoxRibbonUI (when RibbonUI XAML is generated in the VS designer)
  • Integration with Test Studio and Testing Framework

What's Fixed:

  • Click on a letter moves the current position before the letter
  • Document ruler throws exception when selecting table and document content on the following page
  • The layout is sometimes not properly updated in WPF after resize of the window when using Flow layout mode and words start to overlap or symbols get hidden
  • When editing text in RTL, some formatting commands do not execute on the whole selected part of the document (highlight, underline, strikethrough)
  • Horizontal scroll is not shown in flow layout mode with big images
  • The scroll does not refresh its position when opening a new document
  • Paragraph background does not apply on last line when there is a page break
  • Opening the hyperlink dialog does not focus the hyperlink text box and users cannot easily paste a link or start typing
  • Image editor hides behind the RichTextBox window
  • Import and export:
    • Document Exporters crashes when document contains ReadOnlyRangeStart and ReadOnlyRangeEnd
    • RtfFormat provider: does not support RTL properties for paragraphs and tables. Copy/paste RTL tables from other Word Processing applications does not work
    • RtfFormatProvider: Page numbers in headers/footers are not correctly exported to RTF
    • DocxFormatProvider: multiple LineSpacing is imported (1.15) instead of Single (1) when not explicitly set
    • DocxFormatProvider: table of contents (TOC) causes crashes when imported. The document cannot be exported
  • Design time support: No controls were loaded into toolbox upon drop of Telerik.Windows.Documents.dll
  • Design time support – fixes in RadWizard:
    • When opting for different file formats for export and import, references to the format providers are not added
    • Enabling spell check does not add reference to Telerik.Windows.Documents.Proofing.En-US
    • TextBox or RichTextBox scenario - if a data provider is requested, it is included in the resource of the RichTextBox, which does not work correctly


What's New:

  • Renamed ISchedulerDialogHost/Factory to IScheduleViewDialogHost/Factory
  • Added "All Day Event" checkbox in Edit Appointment dialog
  • Added Current Time Indicator

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed spelling error in SelectTemplate and SelectStyle methods
  • Dragging of multiple appointments between resources did not work correctly
  • ScheduleView GroupHeaderWeekTemplate orientation was wrong in TodayHorizontal visual state
  • GroupHeader contents appeared Disabled
  • FirstVisibleTime and FirstVisibleGroup properties were throwing an exception when set in XAML
  • Changed icon alignment in RadScheduleView tooltip
  • Exception when editing an appointment with Start and End with a DateTime when the clock was adjusted
  • Fixed a Binding related to Foreground in the GroupHeaderStyleSelector
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException was thrown in some cases when AppointmentsSource contained an recurring appointment with no EndDate
  • AllDayArea did not display all appointments when DayStartTime was set
  • When Today was the the first day of week the group header was stretched
  • When we had lots of appointments in a slot in Monthview and scroll down, the appointments overlapped the header of the day below
  • NullReferenceException was thrown when opening the edit appointment dialog with a custom appointment
  • All day area was not working correctly when Start/End time was set
  • Appointments longer than 1 day were shifted 1 day to the right in WeekView AllDayArea
  • Navigating between appointments with tab was broken when grouped by resources
  • Arrow was not shown correctly on some appointments
  • RecurrenceRule could not be set to the edit appointment if read-only slot with RecurenceRule was defined
  • Setting DayEndTime and DayStartTime properties did not apply correctly in TimeLine view
  • Appointments were not always rendered on round pixel
  • NullReferenceException occured when pressing Tab and no Slot had been previously selected
  • When removing recurrence the DateTimePicker in the EditAppointmentDialog stayed disabled
  • Initial setting FirstVisibleTime and/or FirstVisibleGroup made some appointments to disappear
  • When ScheduleView was placed inside a RadWindow its dialogs were shown behind the Window


What's Fixed:

  • Fixed issue when adding items to an observable collection


What's New:

  • Added Style property to WindowsSettings in RadSpellChecker
  • Added IsSpellCheckingCanceled property to SpellCheckingCompletedEventArgs
  • AddToDictionary now adds every word to a separate CustomDictionary depending on the language

What's Fixed:

  • SpellCheckingComplete prompt dialog in WordByWord mode uses different localization keys from the SpellCheckingComplete prompt dialog in AllAtOnce mode


What's New:

  • Added IsCoercionSuppressed property for handling bound dependent properties like SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, MinimumRangeSpane etc.
  • Added style for both thumbs in range slider

What's Fixed:

  • Binding SelectionStart and SelectionEnd with values greater than Maximum was incorrect
  • Dragging problems with range slider when IsSnapToTicks was True
  • Incorrect behavior when IsDeferredDraggingEnabled, IsMoveToPointEnabled and IsSnapToTicks were True
  • LayoutCycle exception was thrown in a specific scenario
  • Moving with the mouse down over the dragged thumb does not initiate dragging immediately
  • Problems when using fixed RangeSpan
  • Vertical slider returns to the beginning of the bar when MoveToPoint was enabled
  • When the control was scaled, MoveToPoint behavior was incorrect
  • When using ViewModel to bind SelectionStart and SelectionEnd, you have to rebind twice when the new SlectionStart was greater than the old selectionEnd
  • When Width was set to Auto, HorizontalAlignment was not Stretch and IsDirectionReversed was true, the clipping rectangle was incorrect when resizing the control


What's New:

  • Added a HeaderBackground property to control the Background of the HeaderBackground ControlTemplate element
  • Do not set AllowDrop and AllowDrag in the constructor and prepare container
  • Tab labels have to be vertically centered in Vista theme

What's Fixed:

  • Could not click button in the header if button in the content was marked as IsDefault
  • DisplayMemberPath didn't work
  • The Foreground of a TextBlock used as a Header of the TabItems wasn't changed in Metro and ExpressionDark theme on selection changed
  • Too much padding on the right of the drop down menu items
  • You couldn't drag the RadTileViewItems when the TileView was inside a TabItem


What's Fixed:

  • BringIntoView didn't work in a virtualized TileView
  • If you change the MaximizeMode in runtime the ToggleCommand was not updated
  • Incorrect behavior when you scroll a GridView inside a RadTileViewItem
  • RadGridView's multiple selection didn't work inside a RadTileViewItem
  • Resizing parent container issue


What's New:

  • Added double-click handling for the slider control:
    • Double-clicking the middle thumb expands the visible period to the whole period [PeriodStart; PeriodEnd]
    • Double-clicking the start thumb – expands VisiblePeriodStart to PeriodStart
    • Double-clicking the end thumb – expands VisiblePeriodEnd to PeriodEnd
  • Added double-click handling on the selection visual (part of the timebar content):
    • Double-clicking the selection range - expands the selection to the current group or groups, in case items from different groups are currently selected. Any consequent double-click expands the selection with one group backward and one group forward
    • Double-clicking the left selection handle expands the selection to the beginning of the current group. Any consequent double-click expands the selection with one group backward
    • Double-clicking the right selection handle expands the selection to the end of the current group. Any consequent double-click expands the selection with one group forward
  • Added double-click handling on an item that expands the selection to the group, containing the item
  • Added selection visual title -- the title displays the SelectionStart and SelectionEnd values. The default format is “{0:d} - {1:d}” (short date) and can be customized
  • Added UI hints (left/right arrows) that are shown when the selection is not fully visible within the currently displayed period:
    • When the selection element is not fully visible, a visual hint shows up to indicate the position of the selection according to the visual viewport
    • Click on an indicator brings the selection into view. In case the current selection span is larger than the current VisualPeriod span, the visual period is expanded to [Selection.Start – 1 unit; SelectionEnd + 1 unit]

What's Changed:

  • RadTimeBar is redesigned and has a somewhat updated new look to accommodate the newly implemented features
TreeMap and PivotMap

RadTreeMap and RadPivotMap Beta

What's New:

  • Added hover and selection support
  • Added auto-range support for range colorizers
  • Added RadTreeMapItem.HeaderEffect property that gets or sets the visual effect applied on the Header
  • Improved tooltip support
  • TreeMap only: Added collection change support

What's Fixed:

  • PivotMap only: Fixed issue when clearing collection and replacing items
  • Fixed PivotMap NullReferenceException with unaligned data


What's New:

  • Changing the IsDragDropEnabled Should Update Existing Items
  • Implement KeyBinding for Enter key
  • TreeViewItemAutomationPeer should report correct item name

What's Fixed:

  • Getter of NextSinblingItem of TreeViewItem throw exception
  • PreviewDragStarted fired if you handle PreviewSelected/PreviewUnselected
  • Selected state was not cleared when another item was selected after focus had been out of the SL app
  • Fixed setting AllowDrop in PrepareContainer
  • In ExpressionDark and Metro Theme, Foreground color was too light when a RadTreeViewItem was first selected and expanded Hyperlink focus issue


What's New:

  • Added TypeConverter for the TransitionProvider class
  • Transitions now can animate the layout. Swapping different sized contents can now change the layout at the beginning, the end or animated during the tranisiton
  • Added IsTransitionIdle property and TransitionStatusChanged event to indicate changes in the Transitions

What's Fixed:

  • Transitions produced by TransitionProviders are now public
  • The old content Image is no longer stretched. It is aligned based on the Horizontal/VerticalContentAlignment


What's New:

  • Evaluate both the size and the name of a file as its unique identifier when preparing it for upload
  • Reuse the existing containers when hitting the 'Add More Files' button

What's Fixed:

  • Incorrect UI state when validating all files with the Validate event


What's New:

  • Made the Closed event of the RadWindow control synchronous with the call to the Close method and add CloseAnimationFinished protected virtual method
  • Enabled the Window animations
  • The Window cannot be instantiated in XAML anymore, but only in code-behind. It can be declared as a UserControl, though
  • ShowWindow method is now virtual
  • When IsRestricted and RestrictedAreaMargin properties change the Window updates its position
  • Added Deactivated event to the WindowBase class
  • Improved Automation peers

What's Fixed:

  • Focus of the Windows was not moving correctly when brought to the front or dragged
  • Ok and Cancel buttons had no content if the OkButtonContent and CancelButtonContent properties were not set
  • The LocationChanged event was never fired
  • When IsRestricted=True, Left property was not working
  • IsActiveWindow property didn't have a valid value
  • Closing a RadWindow didn't activate the previous active window
  • When open and close single instance of the RadWindow control multiple times it became non-draggable
  • RadWindow did not resize with the browser when maximized
  • Alert, Confirm and Prompt threw exception when used in Blend
  • When RadWindow was closed with keyboard TextBox binding was not updated
  • Window opened and restricted incorrectly on multi-monitoring environment
  • Restricted Area Margin was shifted when the browser was zoomed or DPI was changed
  • RadWindow HeaderTemplate content wrong horizontal alignment in Metro and Windows7
  • Window Header for Windows7 was so small an 16x16 icon got clipped
  • RadWindow didn't respect the restriction on the right and bottom side when no fixed size was set
  • RadWindow.IsModal property was not set when showing modal windows
  • Window didn't size right with SizeToContent = true and content that didn't have fixed size
  • When WindowStartupPosition was CenterOwner or CenterScreen and the window didn't have concrete size, it appeared in a wrong location and moved after that
  • When bringing to the front, the Loaded event of many windows was fired unnecessary
  • Window threw an error if shown after InitializeComponent
  • Bug with the background of the predefined windows when the browser was zoomed and enableautozoom parameter was set to false
  • Zooming the browser caused the window to work incorrectly
  • Alert, Prompt and Confirm threw XAML errors in Windows7 theme
  • RestrictedAreaMargin affected the position of a maximized window when the browser was resized
  • When RadWindow.Confirm was shown its buttons were initially disabled
  • RadWindow appeared behind the currently opened popups

UI for Silverlight


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