

Release History

Telerik UI for Silverlight is Retiring

Driven by the evolution of technology and industry standards, Progress Software is deprecating Telerik UI for Silverlight effective December 1, 2023. Technical support and critical fixes will be available until December 1, 2024.

UI for Silverlight 2011.2920

September 20, 2011

Q2 2011 SP1




What’s New:

  • Changed: e.NewValue to d.GetValue(e.Property) in PropertyChanged handler for DP that have CoerceCallback.
  • Added: Error indicator tooltip for GridViewRow and GridViewNewRow.
  • Added: RadGridView.RowDetailsVisibilityChanging event.
  • Improved QCV performance when having lots of groups on many levels (LinqToEntities).

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Footer aggregates not updated properly.
  • Fixed: Exception is thrown when footer is defined and columns are reordered.
  • Fixed: Multiple issues with GridViewFooter cells.
  • Fixed: RadGridView doesn't clear GridViewRow.ToolTip after CancelEdit.
  • Fixed: RadGridView steals focus from a button inside RadGridView.
  • Fixed: RadGridView doesn't react on a mouse wheel when place in vs2010 addin.
  • Added this.HierarchicalCollectionView != null check.
  • Fixed: The current cell position is incorrect when the cell is not in viewport.
  • Fixed: Issue with multiple hovered cells/rows.
  • Fixed: TypeConverter is not taken into account when set to a property.
  • Fixed: NullReferenceException at GridViewCellAutomationPeer.GetNameCore().
  • Fixed: Second commit skips data validation.
  • Fixed: Underscores in distinct values are treated as accelerator key symbols by the distinct value check-box.
  • Fixed: Exception when try to drop column from another grid with irrelevant DisplayIndex.
  • Fixed: Issue with ScrollIntoViewAsync method (PageDown) when row height is greater than RadGridView's height.
  • Fixed: Distinct values ListBox does not scroll properly when the grid ScrollMode is Deferred.
  • Fixed: Cell content is not updated when column is not visible.
  • Fixed: Clipping issue RadGridView's FilteringControl (DistinctValues).
  • Fixed: Issue with invalid GroupFootercell content.
  • Fixed: Issue with GridViewGroupPanelCells and theme set after grid is loaded.
  • Fixed: RadGridView ignores Command bindings for Copy, Paste and SelectAll application commands.
  • Fixed: Tab navigation does not work properly while adding a new item.
  • Fixed: Issue with cell tooltip when cells are being recycled (empty tooltips appeared).
  • Fixed: Issues with forbidden sign while dragging header cells. Now Drag and Drop query events while dragging headers will be handled and if needed to attach to the event element.Addhandler() with handledtoo parameters is needed.
  • Fixed: Issue with empty cells on fast scrolling.
  • Fixed: GetCellContent returns null on certain occasions.
  • Fixed: Header of an invisible column is copied and pasted.
  • Fixed: Issue with missing vertical lines (star columns or column background set).
  • Fixed: Memory leak with SelectiveScrollingClip.
  • Fixed: Issues with CanSort and ICollectionView.
  • Fixed: Issue with StartDrag and payload in DnD.
  • Fixed: Binding DynamicObject on GridViewImageColumn.
  • Fixed: Multiple column sorting does not work on a RadGridView bound to a RadDomainDataSource when RadGridView.Items.DescriptorSynchronizationMode is set to SynchronizationMode.None.
  • Fixed: Inserting columns in runtime does not work properly.
  • Fixed: GroupFooters are not visible when Column virtualization is off.
  • Fixed: TypeConverter is not taken into account when set to a property.
  • Fixed: Keydown event is not handled properly when it is raised by a child grid element.
  • Fixed: Issue where exception is thrown when pasting into grid.
  • Fixed: "Enter" key problem with sorted and grouped grid.
  • Fixed: RadGridView does not respond to property changes after it has been unloaded from the VisualTree.
  • Fixed: Grouping RadGridView bound to a RadDomainDataSource, causes the RadDomainDataSource to go to the server even if its AutoLoad property is false.
  • Fixed: EffectiveHierarchyExpandButtonStyleSelector is not called when RadGridView is refreshed (due to sorting, filtering, etc.).
  • Fixed: Issue with Dynamic hyperlink column and text wrap.


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Layout Cycle Detected exception when changing datapoints to null dynamically.
  • Fixed: Issue with AxisY auto range erroneously extending to zero when empty values are present.
  • Fixed: Zoom/scroll slider thumb not visible if ScrollMode was set to ScrollOnly.
  • Fixed: Multi-level drill-down support in RadChart (did not work with more than two levels).
  • Fixed: Chart cannot use binding expressions for filter descriptors.
  • Fixed: Chart cannot use binding expressions when setting style properties within the Axis.AxisStyles complex property.
  • Fixed: Annotations' rendering with inversed chart axis.
  • Fixed: Chart not refreshed when removing the last series mapping.
  • Fixed: NullReferenceException when inserting data point at a specific index and then removing another.
  • Fixed: NullReferenceException in LabelPositionGenerator in specific scenarios.
  • Fixed: NullRefferenceException when zooming in live data scenario under specific conditions.
  • Fixed: Issue with tooltip flickering when there is not enough space to allow its normal positioning, and it needs to reposition.
  • Fixed: Setting RadChart.Cursor property has no effect for the ChartArea.
  • Fixed: Setting DragZoomLayerControl.IsInteractive property to false doesn't reset the Cursor.


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: When ScheduleView is placed inside a RadWindow its dialogs are show behind the Window.
  • Fixed: FirstVisibleTime and FirstVisibleGroup properties are throwing an exception when set in XAML.
  • Fixed: Apps longer than 1 day are shifted 1 day to the right in WeekView AllDayArea.
  • Fixed: Arrow is shown not right to some appointments.


What’s New:

  • “Add To Dictionary” now adds every word to a separate CustomDictionary depending on the language.
  • Allow more than one style setting (Bold, Italic, Underline, FontSize) to be set on an empty span while editing a document.
  • DocumentRuler refactoring.
  • FindReplaceDialog enhancement.
  • Introduced a printing completed event on the rich text box/document presenter base.
  • Added: UI Layers API.
  • UI Optimization - single TextBlock per document line.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Caret position (focus) lost on opening a ColorPicker from RadRichTextBoxRibbonUI.
  • Fixed: Comments are editable in read-only mode.
  • Fixed: ContextMenu shows at incorrect position over image.
  • Fixed: ContextMenu: ContextMenuGroupCollection.Insert throws StackOverflowException.
  • Fixed: FontPropertiesDialog resizes its content when there is font with long name.
  • Fixed: XAML export and import of TextBlock in InlineUIContainer causes duplication of the text in the TextBlock.
  • Fixed: Backspace and "text move" actions does not trigger commands and can't be intercepted.
  • Fixed: History is cleared on executing Undo after edit of header/footer.
  • Fixed: HtmlImporter: CSS atrributes are not parsed case-insensitive.
  • Fixed: ImageAdorner should not be dispalyed when RadRichTextBox is read-only.
  • Fixed: Mail merge: last record is not fully added to the merged document.
  • Fixed: Native printing throws exception.
  • Fixed: Paragraph background doesn't apply on last line when there is page break.
  • Fixed: Exceptions in Print command are not reported correctly through RadRichTextBox.CommandError event.
  • Fixed: Inserting column in a table with fixed column sizes breaks the size of the last column.
  • Fixed: TableRows loses its height on copy/paste.
  • Fixed: The layout is sometimes not properly updated in WPF after resize of the window when using Flow layout mode and words start to overlap or symbols get hidden.
  • Fixed: Typing dead characters (in German) causes the editor to crash.
  • Fixed: Can't scroll with keyboard when IsReadOnly is set to true.
  • Fixed: When editing text in Right-to-Left language, some formatting commands do not execute on the whole selected part of the document (highlight, underline, strikethrough).
  • Fixed: Comments of text on the first line in Flow layout mode do not appear correctly.
  • Fixed: HTML import and export of both text-decorations line-through and underline.
  • Fixed: Paste Html from browser in WPF pastes as plain text instead of rich text.
  • Fixed: Stopped raising DocumentContentChanged event on document changing.
  • Fixed: Open and Save commands now respect the registered format providers.


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Edit mode does not starts when fast clicks are performed over tree items and then F2 is pressed.
  • Fixed: Shift-Select is broken.
  • Fixed: When a RadTileView is inside a TreeViewItem the TreeView cancels the DnD and you can't drag tiles.


What’s New:

  • Optimized memory and performance.
  • Added: New property AutoLoadHierarhy (false by default - when set to true the treelist will initialize the entire hierarchy when ItemsSource is assigned).

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Issues with incorrect footer row indent.


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed:When backstage scrollviewer is shown, maximizing the window doesn't resize the backstage.


What’s New:

  • Added declarative support for SqlGeospatialDataReader.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Exception when MapZoomBar.MapControl property is bound from XAML.
  • Fixed: Issue with map hosted in Winforms crashing when form is minimized and then reopened.
  • Fixed: Custom map provider not rendered automatically when it uses GeoBounds.
  • Fixed: Exception when using MapPolyline and MapPath shapes for custom map projections like Inverse Mercator.
  • Fixed: Issue with map shape resizing in specific scenarios with custom Map projections.
  • Fixed: KML HotSpot support in RadMap violates xsd schema with respect to x/y attribute casing (now looks for lower case x/y attributes).


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed bar sparkline rendering in scenarios where all bars are equal to zero.
  • Fixed High/Low indicators not working in certain cases when AutoRange is set to false.
  • Fixed axis width not updated on resize in specific scenarios.


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: DataPagerAutomationPeer GetChildren().
  • Fixed: RadDataPager does not properly dispose its PagedSource.


What’s New:

  • Added comparison filtering (>, >=, <, <=) for TimeSpan values.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: The filter operator sometimes disappears when changing the member.
  • Fixed: RadDataFilter raises the FilterEditorCreated event twice when a new filter is created.


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: TemplateBinding for BorderBrush in CaledarButtonStyle is set to BorderThickness.


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: When ComboBox have Items with the same Header, selecting the second item will select the first item with this Header in the list.
  • Fixed: Bug in ComboBox when using TextSearchPath.


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: When a RadPane's property CanUserClose is set to true and the RadPane's IsHidden is set to true the RadPane is still visible.
  • Fixed: Pane Activation issue when is in ToolWindow & Closing pane.
  • Fixed: Save layout is not saving hidden panes correctly.
  • Fixed: Active pane issues when dragging and docking panes.
  • Fixed: RadPane captures focus when the pane is unpinned.
  • Fixed: When Pane is dragged in the DocumentHost in Windows 7 theme, an exception is thrown.
  • Fixed: ContextMenu in Metro theme doesn't show in right click in the ToolWindow header.
  • Fixed: When float a pane, the next pane in the group becomes active, not the floating pane (using the context menu).
  • Fixed: Click on the toolwindow header doesn't activate the pane.


What’s New:

  • Added Deactivated event to the WindowBase class.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed:
  • Fixed: Alert, Confirm and Prompt throw exception when placed in Blend.
  • Fixed: RadWindow is not resizing with browser when maximized.
  • Fixed: When the window is placed in XAML it should notify the user that this is not correct usage of the Window.
  • Fixed: When open and close single instance of the RadWindow control multiple times it becomes non-draggable.
  • Fixed: Closing a RadWindow doesn't activate the previous active window.
  • Fixed: The LocationChanged event is never fired.
  • Fixed: Ok and Cancel buttons has no content if the OkButtonContent and CancelButtonContent properties are not set.
  • Fixed: If open two modal windows and close the second one, dragging the first one causes an exception.
  • Fixed: Window throws an error if shown after InitializeComponent.
  • Fixed: RadWindow appears behind the currently opened popups.
  • Fixed: RestrictedAreaMargin affects the position of a maximized window when the browser is resized.


What’s New:

  • Added AddedNewItem event to RadDataForm in order to allow additional initialization of newly added items.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: A bug with DataFieldStyle.
  • Fixed: Label is not displayed for DataFormCheckBoxField.


What’s New:

  • Added: Nested property support.


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: An exception is thrown when trying to add a new item to a root item with no children.
  • Fixed: Clearing the items collection doesn't work.
  • Fixed: Foreground property doesn't work in Metro theme.
  • Fixed: If a ReadOnly property is set to the TextModePath it throws an exception.
  • Fixed: Problems with the focus - you have to press Tab twice to move the focus to the next item.


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: A bug in ExpressionDark theme: when using an application theme, other controls on the page lose mouse over and pressed states even if IsBusy="False".
TreeMap and PivotMap

RadTreeMap and RadPivotMap

What’s New:

  • Added RadTreeMap.DefaultItemTemplate and TypeDefinition.ItemTemplate properties.
  • Added RadPivotMap.LeafItemStyle and GroupDefinition.ItemStyle properties.
  • Added TypeDefinition.ItemStyle property.

What’s Fixed:

  • Performance optimizations in large data scenarios.
  • Fixed NullReferenceException when binding RadTreeMap.TypeDefinition / RadPivotMap.GroupDefinitions properties.
  • Fixed issue with last leaf item's template not applied when mappings are applied.
  • Fixed issue when adding data without ValuePath.
  • Fixed support for self-referencing hierarchy.
  • Fixed PivotMap exception in flat mode.


What’s New:

  • Added support for Millisecond interval.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed issue when timebar is hosted in RadDocking, dragging the containing RadPane leads to runtime error.
  • Fixed exception when PeriodStart equals DateTime.MinValue and PariodEnd equals DateTime.MaxValue.


What’s New:

  • “Add To Dictionary” now adds every word to a separate CustomDictionary depending on the language.
  • Added dialog for editing custom dictionaries.

UI for Silverlight


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