

Release History

Telerik UI for Silverlight is Retiring

Driven by the evolution of technology and industry standards, Progress Software is deprecating Telerik UI for Silverlight effective December 1, 2023. Technical support and critical fixes will be available until December 1, 2024.

UI for Silverlight 2009.2812

August 11, 2009

RadControls for Silverlight Q3 2009 Beta 2 v 2009.3.1019

Changes on existing controls


What’s New:

  • Horizontal and vertical UI virtualization with container recycling added for rows and cells
  • All grid templates (rows, cells, etc.) lighten up
  • Extended Validation
    • Added metadata driven validation (via data annotations attributes)
    • Added more validation events that allow support for custom validation
  • Clipboard.IsEnabled property added
  • GridViewDynamicHyperlinkColumn and GridViewHyperlinkColumn added
  • GridViewImageColumn added
  • Introduced new property SelectionMode which specifies the selection behavior
  • Hierarchy support simplified and improved
  • PrintToHtml() method added
  • GroupFooterTemplate added for GridViewColumn
  • GridViewToggleRowDetailsColumn added

What’s Fixed:

  • Null reference exception when calling ReorderColumns in DataLoaded is now fixed
  • Cell's content was not displayed when GridView was bound to list of primitive types is now fixed
  • IsFilteringAllowed cannot be changed with Binding runtime is now fixed
  • SelectionChanged event is no longer raised when ItemsSource property is changed
  • Memory leak in FilteringDropDown is now fixed
  • Header row not exported correctly if the grid is grouped is now fixed
  • Exception with exporting of grouped grid with null values is now fixed
  • AutogenerateColumns property is now a DependencyProperty
  • Column cannot be replaced in AutoGeneratingColumn event


What’s New:

  • Negative values – RadChart provides full negative values support for all relevant two-dimensional series types
  • Multiple Y axes support – RadChart adds a highly requested support for secondary and multiple Y axes. The new feature is useful when the values of the displayed data series vary a lot from one another or different types of data should be presented in one chart. The scale of each added Y axis corresponds to the associated data series and auto adjusts its range
  • Added support for two new Label Format Tokens useful for stacked chart series – STSUM (stacked sum – represents the sum of all stacked items for a given index) and STPERCENT (stacked percent – the percent representation of the value of a given item with respect to all stacked items for the respective index).

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed an issue that prevented RadChart to correctly change its theme in runtime
  • Fixed an issue with setting AxisY.Step before AxisY.MinValue that resulted in incorrect axis range
  • Fixed an issue with missing axis titles in 3D chart types in some scenarios
  • Fixed an issue with skewed AxisX ticks in horizontal bar series types
  • Fixed an issue that prevented tooltips to support standard format expressions like "C2", "N2", etc.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented tooltip format customization for Range and financial series types
  • Fixed an issue that prevented setting the AxisX.Step property declaratively in XAML
  • Fixed an issue that prevented setting the AxisX.TicksDistance property declaratively in XAML
  • Fixed an issue that prevented setting GroupingSettings declaratively in XAML
  • Fixed NullReferenceException with grouping and aggregation when grouping by data field containing null values
  • Fixed NullReferenceException with custom chart layout in some scenarios


What’s New:

  • UI Virtualization (vertical only)
  • CheckBoxes and BringIntoView support
  • Added SingleExpandPath functionality


What’s New:

  • Standard Resources have been added to the Appointment and Edit Appointment dialogs:
    • Category
    • Importance
    • TimeMarker
  • All-day area improvements
  • Added properties for implementing read-only scheduler:
    • IsReadOnly
    • IsBackAndForwardNavigationEnabledImportance
    • IsViewModeNavigationEnabled
  • Added properties to the Resource type for colorizing appointments when grouped:
    • ResourceBrush
    • AppointmentBrush
    • MouseOverAppointmentBrush
    • SelectedAppointmentBrush


What’s New:

  • RadDocking now uses RadToggleButton and RadContextMenu instead of RadMenu
  • All Close and Pin buttons are replaced by RadButtons
  • If RadPane’s Header property is null and there is no binding, the Header is automatically bound to the Title property (if not null) or vice versa
  • The Compass property has been added to the PreviewShowCompassEventArgs class. The value of this property is a reference to the compass that will be shown
  • The PreviewShowCompass event is also fired for the RootCompass
  • IsLeftIndicatorVisible, IsTopIndicatorVisible, IsRightIndicatorVisible, IsBottomIndicatorVisible, IsCenterIndicatorVisible properties have been added to the Compass class. These properties allow you to show or hide parts of both the Compass and RootCompass controls
  • States compass parts visibility are added
  • When the pane is in the DocumentHost area the title of the tab item displays the Header property with the HeaderTemplate (before the Title property with the HeaderTemplate was displayed)
  • HasDocumentHost property has been added, RadDocking now supports RadSplitContainer as the last child

What’s Fixed:

  • The TitleTemplateSelector property of the RadPane has been removed
  • DockingPanel does not inherit from RadDockPanel anymore


What’s New:

  • Added two new themes – Office Black and Office Silver
  • RibbonButtons support Commands with Parameter and Target


What’s Changed:

  • RadOutlookBar now updates its Title after item has dynamically changed its Header
  • Added two new themes – Office Black, Office Silver, Office Blue, Summer, Vista


What’s Fixed:

  • Setting the value of a standard mask used to not clear the mask beyond the changed characters


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed issue with hardcoded Margin and MinWidth in RadSlider’s ControlTemplate. When the width was less than 56px, RadSlider would clip itself


What’s New:

  • SourceUrl can now be use with binding


What’s New:

  • New button type has been added – RadSplitButton
  • Commands support with Parameter and Target

For full list of release notes you can refer to the release notes of the available Latest Internal Build.

RadControls for Silverlight Q2 2009 SP1 v 2009.2.812

It is official – Telerik RadControls for Silverlight 3 are official with the latest 2009 Q2 SP1 release. With this latest release RadControls for Silverlight 3 bundle has become our primary offering, whereas its predecessor (RadControls for Silverlight 2) will only be shipped as a hotfix.

RadControls now offer a new theming mechanism and you can clearly see the difference when you open our demo examples in Blend. We also added support for .NET RIA Services for all data-bound Telerik Silverlight 3 controls. Check the codeless binding of RadgridView to DomainDataSource to see how it works. The next exciting additions are validation for all input controls and out of browser support so now you can run all Telerik RadControls for Silverlight right on your desktop.

Of course the Service Pack ships a lot of bug fixes and enhancements but stay tuned for 2009 Q3 release  – there is much more to come.

NOTE: One important announcement is that with the official launch of RadControls for Silverlight 3 we will discontinue the future support for our Silverlight 2 controls. The DLLs for SL2 will still be included in this release, but only as a hotfix called Silverlight2 DLLs


What’s Added:

  • Single click editing for the currently edited row
  • Improved "Insert new row" feature for collections that supports adding of a new item

What’s Fixed:

  • When DatePickerEditor is edited manually TAB does not commit new value
  • GridViewDataControl.Columns collection does not fire the CollectionChanged event when columns are reordered
  • All columns have zero width when ColumnWidthMode=Fill and the grid is inside an infinitely wide container
  • Layout updated bug (when used with MS SL Map control)
  • When edited cell loses focus (and no other cell is clicked) the action taken does not respect RadGridView.ActionOnLostFocus
  • ItemsGenerator.ContainerFromItem() now works with both records and data items
  • The EnumerableExtensions.AsGenericEnumerable method cannot detect the generic type of an empty BindingListCollectionView correctly
  • GridViewComboBoxColumn is not exported properly
  • ItemsSource collection was enumerated unnecessary when there are no column aggregate functions
  • ComboBoxColumn throws exception when evaluation of ValueMemberPath returns null
  • Group expand/collapsed state not persisted correctly
  • GridViewRows are created twice which leads to some events (like RowLoaded) being fired two times more often than needed
  • Distinct filters do not respect column data format string
  • Footer loses its content after switching tabs when the grid is in a TabControl


What’s Added:

  • Tooltip border detection (tooltip will automatically open in different direction if it detects that it is near the edge of the screen/window)
  • New Axis.AddRange(...) method for manual axis range creation as an atomic operation
  • Added support for AxisX.LabelStep for 3D chart types
  • Added support for AxisX.LabelRotationAngle for 3D chart types
  • Added ChartArea.ScientificDigits support (default value equals 6 i.e. for values > 1000000) -- if no custom format string is specified, the labels of axis items, series items, and tooltips will be displayed in scientific notation by default
  • Added DataPoint.Tooltip property for easy customization of the series item tooltip that corresponds to the respective datapoint

What’s Fixed:

  • Improved AxisX.Step generation logic in DateTime scenarios
  • Improved AxisX.IsDateTime automatic handling in databinding scenarios
  • Fixed performance issues when customizing range values for axis with Axis.AutoRange set to false
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect AxisX category count in some specific scenarios
  • Fixed vertical line artifacts in spline series when setting custom stroke color through the Appearance API
  • Legend Header Foreground color can now be set through style
  • Fixed "Layout Cycle Detected" exception triggered in some scenarios for PointMark series types (line, spline, etc)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented hiding the 3D series item labels on initial load


What’s Added:

  • IsHeaderHitTestVisible property added
  • IsRestricted property added
  • RestrictedAreaMargin property added
  • Activated event added
  • Window is not brought to the front when focused, but when Activated

What’s Fixed:

  • Restore doesn't restores the size after maximize


What’s Added:

  • Italian localization
  • Dutch localization

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed memory leaks
  • Fixed localization bug


What’s Added:

  • Allow drop into an empty TreeView
  • Support for validation in edit mode
  • Add support for checkboxes on any level
  • Image source properties now support the ImageSource type
  • IsDropAllowed method made public
  • Items appear with their templates in the DragPreview
  • The drop destination item appears with its template
  • ItemsDrop preview area and is template-able and customizable, i.e. now ToString() of the item will only be used as ultimate fallback to represent the item
  • Added DropPosition property that identifies where would a drop occur relative to the TreeViewItem. The property can be set to modify the drop position during the PreviewDrop and DropQuery events
  • Added a GetDropPositionFromPoint(Point) method which can be used to when working with DragDrop
  • Added a GetNonVisualRepresentation static method which can be used to extract non-visual representations of items that need to be seen in the DragPreview or DragTooltip (because visual items cannot be visible at two places at the same time)

What’s Fixed:

  • ItemContainerStyle now can be set in ItemContainerStyle and it will propagate properly in Silverlight
  • Bringing from Disabled to Enabled state
  • Theme can be changed at runtime in WPF
  • The theme in WPF is properly inherited by the TreeViewItems
  • Setting the padding on the TreeView used to displace the BetweenItemsDragCue, this has been fixed now


What’s Fixed:

  • When unpin a pane for the first time it becomes selected in the AutoHide area
  • When changing the ControlTemplate of the Docking control in runtime, the floating windows and unpinned panes disappear


What’s Added:

  • Fixed Silverlight3 issue with dynamic change of Min, Max, tick and label related properties of the corresponding LinearScale/RadialScale instance
  • Fixed Silverlight3 out-of-browser support


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed bug where the control cannot properly change its theme when IsEditable=true


What’s Added:

  • Null value support. Value is now of type Nullable instead of double
  • NullValue property. Defines the way RadNumericUpDown will represent the null value, e.g. “Null” or ”Empty”
  • IsInteger property. Automatically correct the number of decimal digits to be 0
  • CustomUnit replaces NumericUnit property
  • ShowTextBox property
  • Visual states - Valid, InvalidUnfocused, and InvalidFocused

What’s Fixed:

  • Disabled visual state

Important Changes:

  • Default value of Maximum is changed from 1 to double.MaxValue
  • Default value of Minimum is changed from 0 to double.MinValue
  • Default value of SmallChange is changed from 0.1 to 1
  • Default value of LargeChange is changed from 1 to 10
  • Default value of Delay is changed from 250 to 150
  • Type of Value is changed from double to Nullable
  • RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs is changed to RadRangeBaseValueChangedEventArgs
  • If you input text in the Numeric textbox the ValueChanged event is called after the control losses focus, or the user clicks on the up and down arrows
  • ChangeAcceleration is marked as obsolete
  • NumericUnit is marked as obsolete. Use CustomUnit instead


What’s Added:

  • Added disabled state
  • Added validation support
  • The OnTextBoxKeyDown method is now protected virtual, so that certain behavior OnKeyDown can be cancelled or altered when this method is overridden

What’s Fixed:

  • The Backspace behavior with a Numeric masks


What’s Added:

  • Added minimum/maximum range span functionality
  • Added validation support


What’s Added:

  • Allow drop into window


What’s Added:

  • Display a message in OOB scenarios


What’s Added:

  • Display a message in OOB scenarios


What’s Fixed:

  • Fix uploading of locked files

Telerik Items Controls

What’s New:

  • ItemsContainerGenerator: There is now an ItemsChanged event in the Generator. It works like the OnItemsChanged override of the ItemsControl. The new event fires before the call to the override
  • ItemsContainerGenerator: ContainerFromIndex now will throw an ArgumentOutOfRange exception if passed a negative index (before it used to return null). This will happen only after the control is loaded
  • ItemsContainerGenerator: IndexFromContainer will throw an ArgumentNullException if passed a null value, insead of returning -1
  • ItemsContainerGenerator: ItemFromContainer returns DependencyProperty.UnsetValue if it cannot find an item for the container instead of null. It actually returns an object and you need to know that it is the UnsetValue static field. In fact null items cannot be added to the Items collection BUT can be part of the ItemsSource
  • HierarchicalDataTemplate: Added an ItemContainerStyle property that will be applied to the first container that has this template and either of the two is true: 1. Its style is otherwise not set or its style is not locally set but inherited from an ItemContainerStyle. This works the same way as in WPF
  • HierarchicalDataTemplate: Added an ItemContainerStyleSelector that will be applied to the container that has the data template if not ContainerStyle and ContainerstyleSelector is set or if only a ContainerStyleSelector is set. This works the same way as in WPF

Visit our Q3 2009 Roadmap Page

UI for Silverlight


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