

Release History

Telerik UI for Silverlight is Retiring

Driven by the evolution of technology and industry standards, Progress Software is deprecating Telerik UI for Silverlight effective December 1, 2023. Technical support and critical fixes will be available until December 1, 2024.

UI for Silverlight 2009.1413

April 12, 2009


  • New Features
    • CanUserSortColumns property added
    • Disabled CheckBox for boolean column in view mode instead True/False added
    • Cells property added for grid rows - Items is now obsolete.
    • ExcelML export added
    • Exporting improvements (styles & formatting)
    • Exporting event added
    • Support for mouse over state in Cells added
    • GridViewComboboxColumn added
    • DistinctValues IValueConverter support added
    • RowAppearance settings moved to GridViewDataControl (RowStyle, HeaderRowStyle, etc.) - RowAppearance is now obsolete
    • HeaderRowStyle property added for GridViewDataControl
    • GroupRowStyle property added for GridViewDataControl
    • NewRowStyle property added for GridViewDataControl
    • Added Validation style for Vista, Summer and Office_Black themes
    • TAB naviagation improvements
    • CellTemplate and CellEditTemplate DataTemplate properties for GridViewColumn added
    • CreateCellElement and CreateCellEditElement virtual methods for GridViewColumn added
  • Fixes
    • Export does not take into account columns that are hidden is now fixed
    • Height cannot be set in XAML for the grid rows is now fixed
    • Duplicate rows in Export to Excel is now fixed
    • HeaderText cannot be set in runtime is now fixed
    • GridViewColumn IsVisible now will not reset GridViewDataControl template
    • Cells are not created if the grid is not visible
      Control+Click multiple selection broken after switching tabs in a TabControl is now fixed
    • Column reordering with custom filter description added to the composite filter description of the grid is now fixed
    • DataElement property of RowLoadedEventArgs throws exception on new row is now fixed
    • Async binding does not work properly with filtering
    • Sorting on nested or indexed properties is now fixed
    • Distinct values on ntext columns exception is now fixed
    • Sorting on ntext columns is now fixed
    • CustomTypeDescriptor problems with sorting and distinct values are now fixed (WPF only)
    • Filtering on string when target value is null is now fixed
    • GroupingRequested not raised on group panel cell close button click is now fixed
    • DataFormatString does not work properly on export is now fixed
    • Vertical scrollbar margin not calculated properly when new row is visible is now fixed 


  • New Features
    • Added two new 2D chart types: StackedLine and StackedSpline
    • Added AxisY.ExtendDirection property. This property will define if and in which direction AxisY will automatically add an additional step in order to ensure there is always a gap between the graph and the chart area top/bottom end. It is respected only when AutoRange property is set to true and IsZeroBasedProperty is treated with higher priority. The possible values are:
      • AxisExtendDirection.None - the Y axis will not be extended 
      • AxisExtendDirection.Down - the Y axis will have an additional item at the bottom 
      • AxisExtendDirection.Up - the Y axis will have an additional item at the top 
      • AxisExtendDirection.Both - the Y axis will have an additional item at both - top and bottom 
      • AxisExtendDirection.Smart - acts like AxisExtendDirection.Both with a single difference: the axis will never be extended outside the 0 value
    • New series types - StackedLine and StackedSpline
    • Exposed Style properties for customization of the visual elements of RadChart: 
      • RadChart.TitleStyle - gets or sets the title style
      • RadChart.LegendStyle - gets or sets the legend style
      • SeriesDefinition.PointMarkItemStyle - gets or sets the Style associated with each point mark (where applicable)
      • SeriesDefinition.SeriesItemLabelStyle - gets or sets the series item label style
      • ChartArea.AxisXStyle - gets or sets the axis X style
      • ChartArea.AxisYStyle - gets or sets the axis Y style
      • ChartLegend.LegendItemStyle - gets or sets the legend item style
    • PointMarks shape and appearance can now be customized through
    • SeriesDefinition.Appearance.PointMark complex property
    • Added item tooltip format
    • Introduced automatic AxisX.LayoutMode selection that takes the actual displayed chart series into account 
  • Changes 
    • Fixed an issue with series item format not working for the last item
    • Applying styles to AxisXLabel2D is now possible
    • Fixed an issue with wrong ItemIndex in ChartItemClickEventArgs for radial series.
  • Breaking Changes
    • AxisY.AutoScale is now obsolete. Please, use AutoRange property instead
    • Numeric label formats have changed - there is no {0} placeholder used anymore. For example the old format "{0:C}" is now written as "C"


  • New Features
    • Semi-circle styles for radial gauges
    • Quadrant-like styles for radial gauges  


  • New Features
    • Save/Load Layout mechanism - When building complex layouts with Telerik Docking the users will often expect to persist the layout from one session to another. This can be easily achieved with the advanced Save/Load Layout mechansim of the Telerik Docking control. RadDocking provides a method that stores the entire layout in a stream containing XML. Then, you can simply restore the layout from its previous state. In addition, you can choose to save the stream elsewhere, in a textbox or directly in the isolated storage.  


  • Fixes in Firefox
  • Telerik.Windows.Controls.Editor.dll – fixed mistaken assembly info affecting IntelliSense


  • SelectionStart, SelectionLength, AutoCompleteInterval - new properties added


  • Drag-Related properties can now be set in the constructor of the RootVisual, no Null Exceptions will occur
  • When the drag Source is set as a DragCue, it is correctly put back in the visual tree on drop complete
  • Drag-drop across multiple nested windows now works as expected


  • TemplateBinding to HeaderTemplate now added in all templates


  • Modal Window background now visible in Alert, Prompt, Confirm.


  • Fixed RadMediaPlayer bug affecting the CurrentItem property when set before the template has been applied
  • Removed a Loaded  Trigger which confused Blend during template editing

Memory Leak Fixes

  • RadWindow, RadTreeView, RadMenu, RadNumericUpDown, RadSlider

UI for Silverlight


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