Professional, all-round services for simple, pain-free and smooth modernization. Leverage Progress solution experts to help craft the ideal user experience for your mission-critical application.
Deliver seamless and uninterrupted user experience across devices so customers trust and keep choosing you every day. Our experts can help you successfully manage the entire UI/UX project from start to finish. Here’s some of what Progress can do for you:
You already rely on award-winning Progress® and Telerik® tools. You can also rely on Progress experts for your UI/UX needs. We’ll tackle any size project and help you focus it, teach you how use our tools, collaborate with your team, or even tackle the entire project for you if needed. Here’s some of what Progress can do for you:
As part of the Assessment, we’ll go through the following:
Our experts will sit down with your team to identify your key priorities, your customer’s current pain points, the main user workflows, visual clues, etc. As a result, we’ll have an agreed-upon list of objectives and priorities for the UX research to ensure alignment of expectations.
Understanding the user behavior within your application, identifying the key personas and their user journey, conducting interviews with the key stakeholders, and putting together a document with the findings and recommended changes.
Subjecting the gathered data to several analysis methods to validate the most critical usability issues and propose solutions for each.
Based on the identified strengths, weaknesses, main pain points, customer feedback and visual clues, our designers will create the first prototypes of your application’s new look.
An online session with your team where we’ll present the results of each step of the Assessment project and our recommendations for how best to approach the next steps of your Modernization journey.
As part of the Implementation, we’ll perform:
We’ll go through a series of iterations of the visual concepts incorporating your team’s feedback, UI best practices and your user persona’s preferences identified during the Assessment phase.
Leveraging the latest trends in UI/UX design and coordinating with your team on how best to implement them in your app’s new visual identity.
Applying key UX testing methods to ensure that your new user journey is easier to navigate, more intuitive and helps you achieve better conversion.
Training your team on how to understand, maintain and develop your app’s newly built user interface and user experience.
Building an outstanding interface and user experience involves:
Conducting a series of usability tests with real-life users to identify key areas for continuous optimization.
Analyzing the key channels of your brand’s online presence and building a design system to produce a harmonious and visually coherent experience for your clients across all platforms.
Developing detailed guidelines that outline the key principles of your online brand identity to ensure a visually consistent growth and implementation that can be easily adopted by any team.
Ongoing cooperation with your team to ensure your interface and user experience evolve along with your business’s growth.
Our experts can help you overcome the challenges and transform your apps.