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actions Array

The buttons for interacting with the window (actions in Kendo UI for jQuery).

The supported predefined array values are:

  • Close
  • Refresh
  • Minimize
  • Maximize

animation Boolean | Object

A collection of Animation objects for changing the default animations (animation in Kendo UI for jQuery). If animation is set to false, the Window animations are disabled. The supported composite props are available in AnimationProps.

append-to Object | String

The element to which the Window will be appended (appendTo in Kendo UI for jQuery). Useful if the Window is used together with a form. append-to does not constrain the dragging of the Window within the specific element—to constrain the dragging, use the draggable.containment setting.

auto-focus Boolean

Determines whether the Window will be automatically focused when it is opened (autoFocus in Kendo UI for jQuery). auto-focus also influences the focus behavior when the Window is clicked when it is already opened.

content String | Object

Specifies a URL or request options from which the Window will load its content (content in Kendo UI for jQuery). For URLs which start with a protocol (for example, http://), an iframe container element is automatically created. This behavior may change in future versions, so it is advisable to always use the iframe configuration option. The supported composite props are available in ContentProps.

draggable Boolean | Object

If draggable is set to true, the user will be able to drag the Window (content in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in DraggableProps.

iframe Boolean

Explicitly states whether a content iframe will be created (iframe in Kendo UI for jQuery).

height Number | String

Specifies the height of the Window (height in Kendo UI for jQuery).

max-height Number

The maximum height (in pixels) the Window can reach when resized (maxHeight in Kendo UI for jQuery).

max-width Number

The maximum width (in pixels) the Window can reach when resized (maxWidth in Kendo UI for jQuery).

min-height Number

The minimum height (in pixels) the Window can reach when resized (minHeight in Kendo UI for jQuery).

min-width Number

The minimum width (in pixels) the Window can reach when resized (minWidth in Kendo UI for jQuery).

modal Boolean | Object

Specifies whether the Window will display a modal overlay over the page (modal in Kendo UI for jQuery).

pinned Boolean

Specifies whether the Window will be pinned, that is, will not move together with the page content during scrolling (pinned in Kendo UI for jQuery).

position Object

A collection of one or two members which define the initial top and left position of the Window on the page or in the containment element (position in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in PositionProps.

resizable Boolean

If resizable is set to true, the user is able to resize the Window (resizable in Kendo UI for jQuery).

scrollable Boolean

If scrollable is set to true, the user is able to scroll the content if the Window (scrollable in Kendo UI for jQuery).

title String | Boolean | Object

The text in the title bar of the Window (title in Kendo UI for jQuery). If title is set to false, the Window will be displayed without a title bar. The Window will not render its title-bar buttons which will prevent the dragging of the Window unless dragHandle is configured. The supported composite props are available in TitleProps.

visible Boolean

Specifies whether the Window will be initially visible (visible in Kendo UI for jQuery).

width Number | String

Specifies the width of the Window (width in Kendo UI for jQuery).

size String

Specifies the size of the Window (size in Kendo UI for jQuery).


activate: Function

Fires when a Window finished its opening animation (activate in Kendo UI for jQuery).

close: Function

Fires when a Window is closed either through user interaction or over the close() method (close in Kendo UI for jQuery).

deactivate: Function

Fires when a Window finished its closing animation (deactivate in Kendo UI for jQuery).

dragend: Function

Fires when a Window was moved by a user (dragEnd in Kendo UI for jQuery).

dragstart: Function

Fires when the user starts to move the Window (dragStart in Kendo UI for jQuery).

error: Function

Fires when an AJAX request for content fails (error in Kendo UI for jQuery).

maximize: Function

(Available as of 2016.Q1.SP1) Fires when the Window was maximized by the user (activate in Kendo UI for jQuery).

minimize: Function

(Available as of 2016.Q1.SP1) Fires when the Window was minimized by the user (minimize in Kendo UI for jQuery).

open: Function

Fires when a Window is opened, that is, when the open() method is called (open in Kendo UI for jQuery).

refresh: Function

The refresh event (refresh in Kendo UI for jQuery) fires when any of the following occurs:

  • The content of the Window finished loading through AJAX.
  • The iframe of the Window finished loading.
  • The Refresh button of a Window with static content was clicked.

resize: Function

Fires when the Window was resized by the user (resize in Kendo UI for jQuery).


For more details about the methods available in the component's API please check its Kendo UI for jQuery API documentation.



Returns the Kendo UI Window instance.