External Form Edit Mode
The Kendo UI for Vue Native TreeList provides options for CRUD(create, read, update and delete) operation over the data it displays.
The current article covers the scenario in which the data of the Native TreeList component is edited using an external popup form.
External Form Edit Mode Configuration
The below example demonstrates how we can configure the TreeList to work in External form
edit mode.
The following example utilizes the Kendo UI for Vue Native Dialog as a modal form for editing the data of the TreeList. Here are some of the main points in the implementation of the above example:
When a record is in edit mode, show the editing dialog and pass the edited item to it.
<DialogContainer v-if="itemInEdit" :data-item="itemInEdit" @change="onItemChange" @save="save" @cancel="cancel"> </DialogContainer>
Define the template of the
.<KDialog @close="cancel"> <div class="k-form k-form-horizontal"> <div class="k-form-field"> <label for="Employee" class="k-form-label">Employee Name</label> <div class="k-form-field-wrap"> <KInput :style="{ width: '230px' }" :name="'Employee'" v-model="employeeInEdit.name" ></KInput> </div> </div> <div class="k-form-field"> <label for="Position" class="k-form-label">Position</label> <div class="k-form-field-wrap"> <KInput :style="{ width: '230px' }" :name="'Position'" v-model="employeeInEdit.position" ></KInput> </div> </div> <div class="k-form-field"> <KLabel :editor-id="'FullTime'"> FullTime </KLabel> <div class="k-form-field-wrap"> <span> <checkbox :name="'FullTime'" :id="'fullTime'" v-model="employeeInEdit.fullTime" /> </span> </div> </div> </div> <DialogActionsBar> <KButton @click="cancel"> Cancel </KButton> <KButton :theme-color="'primary'" @click="save"> Save </KButton> </DialogActionsBar> </KDialog>
Handle the
events in the DialogContainer.vue file. To update the TreeList edited item, update theitemInEdit
property in the application state of the TreeList.cancel() { this.$emit('cancel'); }, save() { this.$emit('save', this.employeeInEdit); }