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Child Components


active-sheet String

The name of the currently active sheet (activeSheet in Kendo UI for jQuery). Has to exactly match one of the sheet names.

column-width Number

The default width (in pixels) of the column (columnWidth in Kendo UI for jQuery).

columns Number

The number of columns in the document (columns in Kendo UI for jQuery).

default-cell-style Object

The default cell styles that will be applied to the sheet cells (defaultCellStyle in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in DefaultCellStyleProps.

header-height Number

The height (in pixels) of the header row (headerHeight in Kendo UI for jQuery).

header-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the header column (headerWidth in Kendo UI for jQuery).

excel Object

Configures the Excel export settings of the Spreadsheet (excel in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in ExcelProps.

pdf Object

Configures the PDF export settings of the Spreadsheet (pdf in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in PdfProps.

row-height Number

The default height (in pixels) of the row (rowHeight in Kendo UI for jQuery).

rows Number

The number of rows in the document (rows in Kendo UI for jQuery).

sheets Array

An array which defines the document sheets and their content (sheets in Kendo UI for jQuery).

sheetsbar Boolean

A Boolean value which indicates if the sheets bar will be displayed (sheetsbar in Kendo UI for jQuery).

toolbar Boolean | Object

A Boolean value which indicates if the toolbar will be displayed (toolbar in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in ToolbarProps.

use-culture-decimals Boolean

By default, use-culture-decimals is set to false which means that the decimal separator in formulas is the dot. If set to true, the Spreadsheet formula parser will obey the decimal separator of the current culture.

This flag has implications on the way formulas are entered. If use-culture-decimals is set to true in cultures where the decimal separator is a comma (,), the Spreadsheet performs the following behavior upon entering which is similar to Excel:

  • The semicolon (;) will become a function argument separator. For example, =SUM(A1;A2) instead of =SUM(A1,A2).
  • The backslash (\) will become an element separator in an array formula. For example, ={1\2;3\4} instead of ={1,2;3,4}.

The use-culture-decimals flag affects only the presentation—the way formulas are entered by the end user or the way they are displayed on screen. Serialization to JSON or XLSX as well as the public API functions will continue to use a dot as a decimal separator and a comma as an argument separator (canonical form). For example, to apply a formula by using the API, even if use-culture-decimals is in effect, you still need to use the canonical form. For more information, refer to useCultureDecima in Kendo UI for jQuery.


insertsheet: Function

Fires when the user inserts a sheet (insertSheet in Kendo UI for jQuery).

removesheet: Function

Fires when the user removes a sheet (removeSheet in Kendo UI for jQuery).

renamesheet: Function

Fires when the user renames a sheet (renameSheet in Kendo UI for jQuery).

selectsheet: Function

Fires when the user activates a sheet (selectSheet in Kendo UI for jQuery).

unhidecolumn: Function

Fires when the user displays (unhides) a column (unhideColumn in Kendo UI for jQuery).

unhiderow: Function

Fires when the user displays (unhides) a row (unhideRow in Kendo UI for jQuery).

hidecolumn: Function

Fires when the user hides a column (hideColumn in Kendo UI for jQuery).

hiderow: Function

Fires when the user hides a row (hideRow in Kendo UI for jQuery).

deletecolumn: Function

Fires when the user deletes a column (deleteColumn in Kendo UI for jQuery).

deleterow: Function

Fires when the user deletes a row (deleteRow in Kendo UI for jQuery).

insertcolumn: Function

Fires when the user inserts a column (insertColumn in Kendo UI for jQuery).

insertrow: Function

Fires when the user inserts a row (insertRow in Kendo UI for jQuery).

select: Function

Fires when the user change a Spreadsheet selection (select in Kendo UI for jQuery).

changeformat: Function

Fires when the user changes a range format from the UI (changeFormat in Kendo UI for jQuery).

changing: Function

Fires when a value or validation in the Spreadsheet is about to be changed upon user interaction (changing in Kendo UI for jQuery).

change: Function

Fires when the user changed a value in the Spreadsheet (change in Kendo UI for jQuery).

render: Function

Fires after the Spreadsheet completes its rendering (render in Kendo UI for jQuery).

excelexport: Function

Fires when the user clicks the Export to Excel toolbar button (excelExport in Kendo UI for jQuery).

excelimport: Function

Fires when the user clicks the Open toolbar button (excelImport in Kendo UI for jQuery).

pdfexport: Function

Fires when the user initiates the PDF export (pdfExport in Kendo UI for jQuery).

copy: Function

Fires when the user is about to copy a range of a sheet (copy in Kendo UI for jQuery).

cut: Function

Fires when the user is about to cut a range of a sheet (cut in Kendo UI for jQuery).

paste: Function

Fires when the user is about to paste data in a sheet (paste in Kendo UI for jQuery).

databinding: Function

Fires when the data that is retrieved from a DataSource is about to be bound to a sheet. Available only if the DataSource was defined for at least one sheet (dataBinding in Kendo UI for jQuery).

databound: Function

Fires when the data from a DataSource is already populated in a sheet. Available only if the DataSource was defined for at least one sheet (dataBound in Kendo UI for jQuery).


For more details about the methods available in the component's API please check its Kendo UI for jQuery API documentation.



Returns the Kendo UI Spreadsheet instance.