The Scheduler provides built-in support for displaying events in different timezones.
Default Timezones
If no timezone is set, the Scheduler defaults to the local timezone of the browser. The user will be able to see the start and end time of the events as they appear in their local timezone.
For example, an event that is set up to occur at 09:00 AM in London (GMT+0000) will appear as 10:00 AM to a user in Berlin (GMT+0100). The following example demonstrates the resulting time for your local timezone.
Fixed Timezones
Some scenarios require you to set a timezone to a fixed value. For example, a conference schedule has to be always displayed in the timezone of the organizer regardless of the timezone in which the attendees are located and from which they are viewing the schedule. For more information, refer to the timezones documentation of the Date Math library.
Load the required timezone data.
timezone is loaded by default.// Load the timezone data for the specific time zone. import '@progress/kendo-date-math/tz/America/New_York';
Set the
attribute of the Scheduler to the desired timezone ID.
import '@progress/kendo-date-math/tz/America/New_York';
:style="{ height: '700px' }"
Event Timezones
Depending on their specified startTimezone
and endTimezone
fields, events can occur in different timezones. Upon display, the Scheduler will convert the event times to its configured timezone and the event editor will still display the original time in the event timezone.