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allow-hide-after Number

The period (in milliseconds) after which the user can dismiss (hide) a Notification (allowhideafter in Kendo UI for jQuery).

animation Object | Boolean

Defines the custom showing and hiding animations through a Kendo UI Animation object (animation in Kendo UI for jQuery). Setting animation to false disables the animations.

append-to String | jQuery

The element to which the Notification will be appended or prepended depending on the stacking direction (appendTo in Kendo UI for jQuery).

auto-hide-after Number

The period (in milliseconds) after which a Notification disappears automatically (autoHideAfter in Kendo UI for jQuery). Setting a zero value disables this behavior.

button Boolean

(Works with the built-in templates only) Determines whether the Notification will render a Hide button (button in Kendo UI for jQuery).

height Number | String

The height of the Notifications (height in Kendo UI for jQuery). Numbers are treated as pixels.

hide-on-click Boolean

Determines whether the Notification will hide when the user randomly clicks their content (hideOnClick in Kendo UI for jQuery).

position Object

Applies to popup Notifications only when appendTo is not set (position in Kendo UI for jQuery). Determines the position of the first Notification on the screen and whether the Notifications will move together with the page content during scrolling. top takes precedence over bottom and left takes precedence over right. The supported composite props are available in PositionProps.

stacking String

The direction in which multiple Notifications will stack (arrange) in relation to the first one (stacking in Kendo UI for jQuery).

The supported values are:

  • up
  • right
  • down
  • left
  • default—Takes into consideration the applied position settings. Evaluated to up or down.

templates Array

Describes the HTML markup of the different Notification types as Kendo UI template strings (templates in Kendo UI for jQuery).

The supported built-in types are:

  • info
  • success
  • warning
  • error

The supported composite props are available in TemplatesProps.

width Number | String

The width of the Notifications (width in Kendo UI for jQuery). Numbers are treated as pixels.


hide: Function

Fires when the hiding animation of a Notification starts (hide in Kendo UI for jQuery).

show: Function

Fires when the showing animation of a Notification starts (show in Kendo UI for jQuery).


For more details about the methods available in the component's API please check its Kendo UI for jQuery API documentation.



Returns the Kendo UI Notification instance.