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marker-defaults-shape String

The default marker shape.

The supported predefined marker shapes are:

  • pinTarget
  • pin

Marker shapes are implemented as CSS classes on the marker span.k-marker element—for example, pinTarget is rendered as k-marker-pin-target.

marker-defaults-tooltip-auto-hide Boolean

Specifies if the tooltip will be hidden when the mouse leaves the target element.

  • If marker-defaults-tooltip-auto-hide is set to false, the tooltip displays a Close button.
  • If marker-defaults-tooltip-auto-hide is set to false, showAfter is specified, and showOn is set to mouseenter, the Map will display the tooltip after the given timeout even if the element is no longer hovered over.

marker-defaults-tooltip-animation-close-effects String

The effect that will be used on closing the tooltip.

marker-defaults-tooltip-animation-close-duration Number

The duration of the animation.

marker-defaults-tooltip-animation-open-effects String

The effect that will be used on opening the tooltip.

marker-defaults-tooltip-animation-open-duration Number

The duration of the animation.

marker-defaults-tooltip-content String | Function

The text or the function whose results will be displayed within the tooltip. By default, the tooltip will display the content of the title attribute of the target element.

marker-defaults-tooltip-content-url String

A URL or request options from where the tooltip will load its content.

marker-defaults-tooltip-template String

The template for rendering the content of the tooltip.

The template supports the following fields:

  • location—The marker location (a instance).
  • marker—The instance of the marker.

marker-defaults-tooltip-callout Boolean

Specifies if the tooltip callout will be displayed.

marker-defaults-tooltip-iframe Boolean

Explicitly states whether content iframe will be created.

marker-defaults-tooltip-height Number

The height (in pixels) of the tooltip.

marker-defaults-tooltip-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the tooltip.

marker-defaults-tooltip-position String

The position that is relative to the target element at which the tooltip will be displayed.

The supported predefined values are:

  • bottom
  • top
  • left
  • right
  • center

marker-defaults-tooltip-show-after Number

The delay (in milliseconds) before the tooltip is displayed. If showOn is set to click or focus, marker-defaults-tooltip-show-after is ignored.

marker-defaults-tooltip-show-on String

The event on which the tooltip will be displayed.

The supported predefined values are:

  • mouseenter
  • click
  • focus