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Parent Components


layers-layer-attribution String

The attribution for the layer. Accepts valid HTML.

layers-layer-auto-bind Boolean

If layers-layer-auto-bind is set to false, the layer will not bind to the data source during initialization. In this case, data binding will occur when the change event of the data source is fired. By default, the Map will bind to the data source specified in the configuration.

layers-layer-data-source Object | Array

The data source of the layer.

The supported values are:

  • A JavaScript object which represents any valid data source configuration.
  • A JavaScript array.
  • An existing instance.

layers-layer-extent Array

Specifies the extent of the region that is covered by this layer. If the specified area is out of view, the layer will be hidden. Accepts a four-element array which specifies the extent that is covered by this layer—North-West latitude, longitude, South-East latitude, longitude. If layers-layer-extent is not specified, the layer is always visible.

layers-layer-key String

The API key for the layer. Currently supported only for Bing (tm) tile layers.

layers-layer-imagery-set String

The Bing map tile types.

layers-layer-culture String

The culture that will be used for the Bing map tiles.

layers-layer-location-field String

The data item field which contains the marker (symbol) location. The field accepts an array of numbers which contains the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees. Requires you to set the dataSource option. Only applicable to the marker and bubble layers.

layers-layer-shape String

The default marker shape for data-bound markers.

The supported predefined marker shapes are:

  • pinTarget
  • pin

Marker shapes are implemented as CSS classes on the marker span.k-marker element—for example, pinTarget is rendered as k-marker-pin-target.

layers-layer-tile-size Number

The size (in pixels) of the image tile.

layers-layer-title-field String

The data item field which contains the marker title. Requires you to set the dataSource option.

layers-layer-tooltip-auto-hide Boolean

Specifies if the tooltip will be hidden when the mouse leaves the target element.

  • If layer-layer-tooltip-auto-hide is set to false, the tooltip displays a Close button.
  • If layer-layer-tooltip-auto-hide is set to false, showAfter is specified, and showOn is set to mouseenter, the Map will display the tooltip after the given timeout even if the element is no longer hovered over.

layers-layer-tooltip-animation-close-effects String

The effect that will be used on closing the tooltip.

layers-layer-tooltip-animation-close-duration Number

The duration of the animation.

layers-layer-tooltip-animation-open-effects String

The effects tat will be used on opening the Tooltip.

layers-layer-tooltip-animation-open-duration Number

The duration of the animation.

layers-layer-tooltip-content String | Function

The text or the function whose results will be displayed within the tooltip. By default, the tooltip will display the content of the title attribute of the target element.

layers-layer-tooltip-content-url String

A URL or request options from where the tooltip will load its content.

layers-layer-tooltip-template String

The template for rendering the content of the tooltip.

The template supports the following fields:

  • location—The marker location (a instance).
  • marker—The instance of the marker.

layers-layer-tooltip-callout Boolean

Specifies if the tooltip callout will be displayed.

layers-layer-tooltip-iframe Boolean

Explicitly states whether a content iframe will be created.

layers-layer-tooltip-height Number

The height (in pixels) of the tooltip.

layers-layer-tooltip-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the tooltip.

layers-layer-tooltip-position String

The position that is relative to the target element at which the tooltip will be displayed.

The supported predefined values are:

  • bottom
  • top
  • left
  • right
  • center

layers-layer-tooltip-show-after Number

The delay (in milliseconds) before the tooltip is displayed. If showOn is set to click or focus, layers-layer-tooltip-show-after is ignored.

layers-layer-tooltip-show-on String

The event on which the tooltip will be displayed.

The supported predefined values are:

  • mouseenter
  • click
  • focus

layers-layer-max-size Number

The maximum symbol size for the bubble layer symbols.

layers-layer-min-size Number

The minimum symbol size for the bubble layer symbols.

layers-layer-max-zoom Number

The maximum zoom level at which this layer will be displayed.

layers-layer-min-zoom Number

The minimum zoom level at which this layer will be displayed.

layers-layer-opacity Number

The opacity of the layer.

layers-layer-subdomains Array

A list of subdomains that will be used for loading tiles. Alternating between different subdomains enables the parallel execution of more requests.

layers-layer-symbol String | Function

The symbol that will be used for bubble layers.

The supported values are:

  • circle—A circle.

  • square—A square symbol

  • A function—A symbol that is defined by the user.

    Has to accept an object with the following fields:

    • center—The symbol center on the current layer.
    • size—The size of the symbol.
    • style—The style of the symbol.
    • dataItem—The dataItem for creating the symbol.
    • location—The location of the data point.

    The return value of the function has to be kendo.drawing.Shape.

layers-layer-type String

The layer type.

The supported types are:

  • bing—A Bing (tm) tile layer.
  • tile—A generic "slippy map" tile layer.
  • marker—A data-bound marker layer.
  • shape—A vector shape layer, that is, bound to GeoJSON data.
  • bubble—A specialized vector shape layer for bubble maps.

layers-layer-style-fill-color String

The default fill color for layer shapes. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

layers-layer-style-fill-opacity Number

The default fill opacity (0 to 1) for layer shapes.

layers-layer-style-stroke-color String

The default stroke color for layer shapes. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

layers-layer-style-stroke-dash-type Number

The default dash type for layer shapes.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

layers-layer-style-stroke-opacity Number

The default stroke opacity (0 to 1) for layer shapes.

layers-layer-style-stroke-width Number

The default stroke width for layer shapes.

layers-layer-url-template String

The URL template for tile layers.

The template supports the following variables:

  • x—The x coordinate of the tile.
  • y—The y coordinate of the tile.
  • zoom—The zoom level.
  • subdomain—The subdomain for this tile.

layers-layer-value-field String

The value field for bubble layer symbols. The data item field accepts a number.

layers-layer-z-index Number

The zIndex for this layer. Layers are normally stacked in a declaration order—the last layer is on top.