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Child Components


center Array

The center of the Map. Accepts coordinates in the [Latitude, Longitude] format (center in Kendo UI for jQuery).

controls Object

The configuration of the built-in Map controls (controls in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in ControlsProps.

layer-defaults Object

The default configuration for the Map layers by type (layerDefaults in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in LayerDefaultsProps.

layers Array

The configuration of the Map layers. The layer type is determined by the value of the type field (layers in Kendo UI for jQuery).

marker-defaults Object

The default options for all markers (markerDefaults in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in MarkerDefaultsProps.

markers Array

The static markers that will be displayed on the Map (markers in Kendo UI for jQuery).

min-zoom Number

The minimum zoom level (minZoom in Kendo UI for jQuery). Typical web maps use zoom levels from 0 (whole world) to 19 (sub-meter features).

max-zoom Number

The maximum zoom level (maxZoom in Kendo UI for jQuery). Typical web maps use zoom levels from 0 (whole world) to 19 (sub-meter features).

min-size Number

The size (in pixels) of the Map at zoom level 0 (minSize in Kendo UI for jQuery).

pannable Boolean

Indicates whether the Map can be panned (pannable in Kendo UI for jQuery).

wraparound Boolean

Specifies whether the Map will wrap around the East-West edges (wraparound in Kendo UI for jQuery).

zoom Number

The initial zoom level (zoom in Kendo UI for jQuery). Typical web maps use zoom levels from 0 (whole world) to 19 (sub-meter features). The Map size is derived from the zoom level and minScale options—size = (2 ^ zoom) * minSize.

zoomable Boolean

Indicates whether the zoom level of the Map can be changed by the user (zoomable in Kendo UI for jQuery).


beforereset: Function

Fires immediately before the Map is reset (beforeReset in Kendo UI for jQuery). This event is typically used for cleanup by layer implementers.

click: Function

Fires when the user clicks on the Map (click in Kendo UI for jQuery).

markeractivate: Function

Fires when a marker is displayed and has a DOM element assigned (markerActivate in Kendo UI for jQuery).

markercreated: Function

Fires when a marker is created and is about to be displayed (markerCreated in Kendo UI for jQuery). Cancelling the event will prevent the marker from being displayed. To access the marker DOM element, use markerActivate.

markerclick: Function

Fires when a marker is clicked or tapped (markerClick in Kendo UI for jQuery).

pan: Function

Fires while the Map viewport is moved (pan in Kendo UI for jQuery).

panend: Function

Fires after the Map viewport was moved (panEnd in Kendo UI for jQuery).

reset: Function

Fires when the Map is reset (reset in Kendo UI for jQuery). Typically, the Map resets on initial load and after a zoom or center change was made.

shapeclick: Function

Fires when a shape is clicked or tapped (shapeClick in Kendo UI for jQuery).

shapecreated: Function

Fires when a shape is created but is not rendered yet (shapeCreated in Kendo UI for jQuery).

shapefeaturecreated: Function

Fires when a GeoJSON Feature is created on a shape layer (shapeFeatureCreated in Kendo UI for jQuery).

shapemouseenter: Function

Fires when the mouse enters a shape (shapeMouseEnter in Kendo UI for jQuery).

shapemouseleave: Function

Fires when the mouse leaves a shape (shapeMouseLeave in Kendo UI for jQuery).

zoomstart: Function

Fires when the zoom level of the Map is about to change (zoomStart in Kendo UI for jQuery). Cancelling the event will prevent the user action.

zoomend: Function

Fires when the zoom level of the Map is changed (zoomEnd in Kendo UI for jQuery).


For more details about the methods available in the component's API please check its Kendo UI for jQuery API documentation.



Returns the Kendo UI Map instance.