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Scheduler start and end date values


Product Version4.1.1
ProductProgress® Kendo UI for Vue Native


I want to get the first and last date in my current Scheduler view. These start and end values should be updated when I change the view (DayView, WeekView, etc.), and when I navigate to a different date.


Get these values using the data-slot-start and data-slot-end properties of the SchedulerSlot.

First, retrieve the first and last slots using the .k-scheduler-body .k-scheduler-cell.k-slot-cell class, where the first item in the array represents the first slot while the last one represents the last one. This allows you to get the date value of the data-slot-start of the first slot, and data-slot-end of the last slot.

In the following demo, this is achieved in the setRanges method that is called in both the mounted and updated lifecycle options. This is because we want to get the values when the component first mounts, and each time the date or view is changed by the user which triggers the update method.

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