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Export to Excel the Data from two separate Native Grids and save it in one sheet of the exported file.


Product Version3.6.3
ProductProgress® Kendo UI for Vue Native


This Knowledge base(KB) article shows how you can export the data from two Kendo UI for Vue Native Data Grids to Excel. The data in the current KB is saved in one sheet of the exported file.

If you need to export the two Grids' data to separate sheets, you can check this Export to Excel the Data from two separate Native Grids and save it to different sheets of the exported file.

KB sections

Solution description

To export the Grids' data we need the following imports:

  • saveAs method available in the @progress/kendo-file-saver package
  • workbookOptions and toDataURL methods available in the @progress/kendo-vue-excel-export package

To export the data of the Grids we call the following method and pass to it the data and the columns definitions of the first Grid:

exportExcel() {
    data: this.categories,
    fileName: 'myFile',
    columns: this.columns,

The above calls the customSaveExcel method in which we have these lines:

const options = workbookOptions(exportOptions);
const rows = options.sheets[0].rows;

The rows variable is an array that holds the data of the first Grid in a format that can be exported to Excel. To add the records of the second Grid to the exported Excel, we need to manually insert its data in the rows array. The first push below adds the header of the second Grid and the forEach loop adds its data.

  cells: [
    Object.assign({}, headerOptions, { value: 'ID' }),
    Object.assign({}, headerOptions, { value: 'Name' }),
    Object.assign({}, headerOptions, { value: 'First Ordered' }),
    Object.assign({}, headerOptions, { value: 'Units' }),
    Object.assign({}, headerOptions, { value: 'Discontinued' }),
this.grid2Data.forEach((category) => {
    cells: [
      { value: category.ProductID },
      { value: category.ProductName },
      { value: category.FirstOrderedOn },
      { value: category.UnitsInStock },
      { value: category.Discontinued },

This line exports the Grids' data:


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