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clear-prompt-char Boolean

(Available as of the Kendo UI Q2 2014 SP1 release) Specifies whether the MaskedTextBox will replace the prompt characters with spaces on blur (clearPromptChar in Kendo UI for jQuery). Prompt characters will be displayed once again on focus.

culture String

The culture information that is used by the maskedtextbox (culture in Kendo UI for jQuery).

mask String

The input mask (mask in Kendo UI for jQuery).

The supported mask rules are:

  • 0—A digit. Accepts any digit between 0 and 9.
  • 9—A digit or a space. Accepts any digit between 0 and 9 plus space.
  • #—A digit or a space. Similar to 9 but allows also for the + (plus) and - (minus) signs.
  • L—A letter. Restricts the input to letters a-z and A-Z. The rule is equivalent to [a-zA-Z] in regular expressions.
  • ?—A letter or a space. Restricts the input to letters a-z and A-Z. The rule is equivalent to [a-zA-Z] in regular expressions.
  • &—A character. Accepts any character. The rule is equivalent to \S in regular expressions.
  • C—A character or a space. Accepts any character. The rule is equivalent to . (dot) in regular expressions.
  • A—An alphanumeric character. Accepts letters and digits only.
  • a—An alphanumeric character or a space. Accepts letters, digits, and spaces only.
  • .—A decimal placeholder. The decimal separator will be taken from the current culture that is used by Kendo UI.
  • ,—A thousand placeholder. The displayed character will be taken from the current culture that is used by Kendo UI.
  • $—A currency symbol. The displayed character will be taken from the current culture that is used by Kendo UI.

prompt-char String

The character for representing the absence of user input in the MaskedTextBox (promptChar in Kendo UI for jQuery).

rules Object

An object of custom mask rules (rules in Kendo UI for jQuery).

unmask-on-post Boolean

(Available as of the Kendo UI Q1 2015 release) Specifies whether the MaskedTextBox will unmask the input value on form post (unmaskOnPost in Kendo UI for jQuery).

value String

The value of the MaskedTextBox (value in Kendo UI for jQuery).


change: Function

Fires when the value is changed (change in Kendo UI for jQuery.


For more details about the methods available in the component's API please check its Kendo UI for jQuery API documentation.



Returns the Kendo UI MaskedTextBox instance.