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Parent Components


aggregates Array

The aggregates which are calculated when the Grid is grouped by a column field.

The supported aggregates are:

  • average
  • count
  • max
  • min
  • sum

attributes Object

The HTML attributes of the table cell (<td>) that are rendered for the column.

columns Array

The columns which will be rendered as child columns under this group column header. The group column cannot be data-bound and supports a limited number of bound-column settings such as title, headerTemplate, and locked.

command String|Array

The configuration of the column commands. If command is set, the column will display a button for every command.

The supported commands are:

  • (Built-in) edit—Switches the current table row to edit mode.
  • (Built-in) destroy—Removes the data item to which the current table row is bound.
  • Custom—Supported by specifying the click option.

command-command-item-class-name String

The CSS class which is applied to the command button.

command-command-item-click Function

The JavaScript function which is executed when the user clicks the command button. The function receives a jQuery Event as an argument. The function context (available through the this keyword) will be set to the Grid instance.

command-command-item-icon-class String

The class for the web font icon of the button—when defined as an object, command-command-item-icon-class enables you to customize the web font icon for the Edit, Update, and Cancel command buttons.

command-command-item-icon-class-cancel String

The class for the web font icon of the Cancel command button.

command-command-item-icon-class-edit String

The class for the web font icon of the Edit command button.

command-command-item-icon-class-update String

The class for the web font icon of the Update command button.

command-command-item-name String

The name of the command. Can be set to a custom value.

The built-in commands are:

  • edit
  • destroy

command-command-item-template String

The template of the command column.

command-command-item-text String

The text which is displayed by the command button and the cancel, edit, and update text of the Edit command. If command-command-item-text is not set, the name option will be used as the button text.

command-command-item-text-edit String

The edit text of the Edit command.

command-command-item-text-cancel String

The cancel text of the Edit command.

command-command-item-text-update String

The update text of the Edit command.

command-command-item-visible Function

The JavaScript function which is executed on initializing the row which determines whether the command button will be visible. The function receives the data item object for the row as an argument.

editable Function

The JavaScript function which is executed when the cell or row is about to be opened for edit. The result that is returned determines whether an editor for the column will be created.

editor Function

Specifies a custom editing UI for the column. The container parameter is used to create the editing UI.

encoded Boolean

  • If encoded is set to true, the column value will be HTML-encoded before it is displayed.
  • If encoded is set to false, the column value will be displayed as is.

By default, the column value is HTML-encoded.

field String

The field to which the column is bound. The value of this field is displayed in the cells of the column during the data binding. Only columns that are bound to a field can be sortable or filterable. The field name has to be any valid JavaScript identifier, has to contain only alphanumeric characters, $, or _ characters, and must not start with a digit.

filterable Boolean

  • If filterable is set to true and filtering is enabled, a filter menu will be displayed for this column.
  • If filterable is set to false, the filter menu will not be displayed.

By default, a filter menu is displayed for all columns when filtering is enabled over the filterable option. Can be set to a JavaScript object which represents the configuration of the filter menu.

filterable-cell-data-source Object

Specifies a custom data source for the AutoComplete when the type of the column is a string.

The supported values are:

  • A JavaScript object which represents any valid data source configuration.
  • A JavaScript array.
  • An existing instance.

Avoid using the same data source instance for the Grid and the AutoComplete.

If the dataSource options is missing, a new, cloned instance of the Grid data source will be used. If the dataSource option is an existing instance, the Grid will use that instance and will not initialize a new one.

filterable-cell-data-text-field String

Specifies the name of the field which, when using a string-type column and when a CustomDataSource is provided, will provide the text representation for the AutoComplete suggestion. By default, the name of the field which is bound to the column will be used.

filterable-cell-delay Number

Specifies the delay of the AutoComplete which will provide the suggest functionality if using a string-type column.

filterable-cell-input-width Number

Specifies the width of the input before it is initialized or turned into a widget. Provides a convenient way to set the width according to the column width.

filterable-cell-suggestion-operator String

Specifies the filter option of the AutoComplete.

The supported values correspond to the values which are supported for the filter option of the AutoComplete:

  • startswith
  • endswith
  • contains—Performs a case-insensitive search. To perform a case-sensitive filtering, set a custom filtering function through the dataSource.filter.operator option.

filterable-cell-min-length Number

Specifies the minLength option of the AutoComplete widget when the column is of the string type.

filterable-cell-enabled Boolean

If filterable-cell-enabled is set to false, the Grid will not render the cell-filtering widget for that specific column.

filterable-cell-operator String

Specifies the default operator that will be used for the cell filtering.

filterable-cell-show-operators Boolean

Specifies whether to show or hide the drop-down list with the operators.

filterable-cell-template Function

A JavaScript function which will customize the way the input for the filter value is rendered.

The function receives an object argument with the following fields:

  • element—The default input inside the filter cell.
  • dataSource—A Kendo UI DataSource instance which has the same settings as the Grid dataSource but will only contain data items with unique values for the current column. This instance is also used by the default AutoComplete widget, which is used inside the filter cell if no template is set. If the Grid uses remote binding, the passed dataSource instance may still not be populated at the time the template function is called.

filterable-extra Boolean

If filterable-extra is set to true, the filter menu of the column will allow the user to input a second criterion.

filterable-multi Boolean

Enables the multi-check filtering support for a specific column.

filterable-data-source Object | Array

The dataSource configuration for the items that will be used when columns.filterable.multi is enabled.

filterable-check-all Boolean

When the Grid uses checkbox filtering, filterable-check-all controls whether to show or not the Check all checkbox before the other checkboxes.

filterable-item-template Function

When the Grid uses checkbox filtering, filterable-item-template allows the customization of the logic that renders the checkboxes.

filterable-operators Object

Identical to filterable.operators but applied to a specific column.

filterable-search Boolean

When the Grid uses checkbox filtering, filterable-search controls whether to show a search box when checkbox filtering is enabled.

filterable-ignore-case Boolean

Toggles between case-insensitive (default) and case-sensitive searching.

filterable-ui String | Function

The role data attribute of the widget that is used in the filter menu or a JavaScript function which initializes that widget.

The HTML attributes of the column footer. The footerAttributes option can be used to set the HTML attributes of that cell.

The template for rendering the footer table cell for the column.

The template supports the following fields:

  • average—The value of the average aggregate (if specified).
  • count—The value of the count aggregate (if specified).
  • max—The value of the max aggregate (if specified).
  • min—The value of the min aggregate (if specified).
  • sum—The value of the sum aggregate (if specified).
  • data—Provides access to all available aggregates, for example, data.fieldName1.sum or data.fieldName2.average.

format String

The format that is applied to the value before it is displayed.

Takes the {0:format} form where format is:

  • A standard number format.
  • A custom number format.
  • A standard date format.
  • A custom date format.

groupable Boolean

If groupable is set to false, the column will not be groupable (requires the groupable property of the Grid to be enabled). By default, all columns are groupable.

groupable-sort-compare Function

A JavaScript function for comparing the groups—for more information on comparing the items of the groups, refer to Has the same signature as the compare function that is accepted by Array.sort.

groupable-sort-dir String

The sort order of the groups according to the group field.

The supported values are:

  • asc&mdashh;Ascending order.
  • desc—Descending order.

group-header-column-template String | Function

Introduced by the Kendo UI 2018 R3 release. The template for rendering the content for a specific column in the group header when the Grid is grouped by the column field.

The template supports the following fields:

  • average—The value of the average aggregate (if specified).
  • count—The value of the count aggregate (if specified).
  • max—The value of the max aggregate (if specified).
  • min—The value of the min aggregate (if specified).
  • sum—The value of the sum aggregate (if specified).
  • data—Provides access to all available aggregates, for example, data.fieldName1.sum or data.fieldName2.average.
  • group—Provides information for the current group and represents an object with the field, value, and items fields. The items field contains the data items for the current group. If the data items are grouped (if child groups are present), returns groups.

group-header-template String | Function

The template for rendering the group header when the Grid is grouped by the column field. By default, the name of the field and the current group value are displayed.

The template supports the following fields:

  • value—The current group value.
  • field—The current group field.
  • average—The value of the average aggregate (if specified).
  • count—The value of the count aggregate (if specified).
  • max—The value of the max aggregate (if specified).
  • min—The value of the min aggregate (if specified).
  • sum—The value of the sum aggregate (if specified).
  • aggregates—Provides access to all available aggregates, for example, data.fieldName1.sum or data.fieldName2.average.
  • items—The data items for the current group. If the data items are grouped (if child groups are present), returns groups.

The template for rendering the group footer when the Grid is grouped by the column field. By default, the group footer is not displayed.

The template supports the following fields:

  • average—The value of the average aggregate (if specified).
  • count—The value of the count aggregate (if specified).
  • max—The value of the max aggregate (if specified).
  • min—The value of the min aggregate (if specified).
  • sum—The value of the sum aggregate (if specified).
  • data—Provides access to all available aggregates, for example, data.fieldName1.sum or data.fieldName2.average.
  • group—Provides information for the current group and represents an object with the field, value, and items fields. The items field contains the data items for the current group. If the data items are grouped (if child groups are present), returns groups.

header-attributes Object

The HTML attributes of the column header. The Grid renders a table header cell (<th>) for every column. The headerAttributes option can be used to set the HTML attributes of that <th> element.

header-template String | Function

The template which renders the column header content. By default, the value of the title column option is displayed in the column header cell.

hidden Boolean

If hidden is set to true, the column will not be displayed in the Grid. By default, all columns are displayed.

locked Boolean

If locked is set to true, the Grid column will be displayed as locked (frozen). For more information, refer to the article about hte appearance of the Grid.

lockable Boolean

If lockable is set to false, the column will remain on that side of the Grid where its own locked configuration placed it.

media String

Sets the condition that needs to be satisfied for a column to remain visible. The hidden option takes precedence over media.

The media property:

  • Accepts valid strings for the matchMedia browser API (if supported by the browser) and toggles the visibility of the columns based on the media queries.

  • Cannot be used with minScreenWidth at the same time.

  • Accepts the device identifiers that are available in Bootstrap 4:

    • xs is equivalent to (max-width: 576px).
    • sm is equivalent to (min-width: 576px).
    • md is equivalent to (min-width: 768px).
    • lg is equivalent to (min-width: 992px).
    • xl is equivalent to (min-width: 1200px).

min-resizable-width Number

The pixel screen width below which the user will not be able to resize the column through the UI.

min-screen-width Number

The pixel screen width below which the column will be hidden. The min-screen-width setting takes precedence over the hidden setting and the two cannot be used at the same time.

selectable Boolean

If selectable is set to true, the Grid will render a select column with checkboxes in each cell enabling in this way the multi-row selection. The header checkbox allows users to select and deselect all the rows on the current page.

sortable Boolean

  • If sortable is set to true, the user can click the column header and sort the Grid by the column field when sorting is enabled.
  • If sortable is set to false, sorting will be disabled for this column.

By default, if sorting is enabled over the sortable option, all columns are sortable.

sortable-allow-unsort Boolean

  • If sortable-allow-unsort is set to true, the user can get the Grid in an unsorted state by clicking the sorted column header.
  • If sortable-allow-unsort is set to false, the user will not be able to unsort the column once it was sorted.

sortable-compare Function

A JavaScript function for comparing the values. It has the same signature as the compare function that is accepted by Array.sort.

The basic implementation of the function is (pseudo-code):

      function compare(a, b, descending) {
        if (a is less than b by some ordering criterion) {
      return -1;       

A notable exception is that the Kendo UI suite also supplies a third parameter that indicates the sort direction (true for descending).

sortable-initial-direction String

Determines the initial (from unsorted to sorted state) sort direction.

The supported values are:

  • asc
  • desc

template String | Function

The template for rendering the column content. The Grid renders table rows (<tr>) which represent the data source items. Each table row consists of table cells (<td>) which represent the Grid columns. By default, the HTML-encoded value of the field is displayed in the column.

title String

The text that is displayed in the column header cell. If title is not set, the field value is used.

width String | Number

The width of the column. Numeric values are treated as pixels. For more information, refer to the article on column widths.

values Array

An array of values that will be displayed instead of the bound value. Each item in the array must have a text and value fields.

menu Boolean

If menu is set to true, the column will be visible in the Grid column menu. By default, the column menu includes all data-bound columns, that is, the columns which have their field set.