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messages-actions-add-child String

The text of the Add child buttons.

messages-actions-append String

The text of the Append buttons.

messages-actions-insert-after String

The text of the Add below buttons.

messages-actions-insert-before String

The text of the Add above buttons.

messages-actions-pdf String

The text of the Export as PDF buttons in the Gantt toolbar.

messages-cancel String

The text of the Cancel button.

messages-delete-dependency-confirmation String

The Are you sure you want to delete this dependency? text which is displayed in the Dependency delete dialog of the Gantt.

messages-delete-dependency-window-title String

The Delete dependency text which is displayed in the Dependency delete dialog of the Gantt.

messages-delete-task-confirmation String

The Are you sure you want to delete this task? text which is displayed in the Task delete dialog of the Gantt.

messages-delete-task-window-title String

The Delete task text which is displayed in the Task delete dialog of the Gantt.

messages-destroy String

The text of the Delete button.

messages-editor-assign-button String

The text of the Assign button which is displayed in the task editor of the Gantt.

messages-editor-editor-title String

The text of the Task button which is displayed in the task editor of the Gantt.

messages-editor-end String

The text of the End button which is displayed in the task editor of the Gantt.

messages-editor-percent-complete String

The text of the Complete button which is displayed in the task editor of the Gantt.

messages-editor-resources String

The text of the Resources button which is displayed in the task editor of the Gantt.

messages-editor-resources-editor-title String

The text of the Resources button which is displayed in the task editor of the Gantt.

messages-editor-resources-header String

The text of the Resources button which is displayed in the task editor of the Gantt.

messages-editor-start String

The text of the Start button which is displayed in the task editor of the Gantt.

messages-editor-title String

The text of the Title button which is displayed in the task editor of the Gantt.

messages-editor-units-header String

The text of the Units button which is displayed in the task editor of the Gantt.

messages-save String

The text of the Save button.

messages-views-day String

The text of the Day button which is displayed in the Day view title of the Gantt.

messages-views-end String

The text of the End button which is displayed in the resize hint of the Gantt.

messages-views-month String

The text of the Month button which is displayed in the Month view title of the Gantt.

messages-views-start String

The text of the Start button which is displayed in the resize hint of the Gantt.

messages-views-week String

The text of the Week button which is displayed in the Week view title of the Gantt.

messages-views-year String

The text of the Year button which is displayed in the Year view title of the Gantt.