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Keyboard Navigation

By default, the keyboard navigation of the TimePicker is enabled.

The TimePicker supports the following keyboard shortcuts:

Alt+Down ArrowOpens the popup and moves the focus to the displayed time selector.
Alt+Up ArrowCloses the popup and moves the focus to the input element.
EscCloses the popup.
Left Arrow/Right ArrowMoves focus to the next/previous time section in the popup.
EnterAccepts the current value change.
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When the input of the TimePicker is focused, it adopts the same keyboard shortcuts as the keyboard shortcuts of the DateInput.

When the popup of the TimePicker is opened, the hours become focused and the following shortcuts become available:

Up ArrowIncrements the value of the focused time section.
Down ArrowDecrements the value of the focused time section.
Left Arrow/Right ArrowMoves focus to the next/previous time section in the popup.
TabMoves the focus back to the date input and closes the popup.
EnterAccepts the current value change.
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