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Integration with UI for ASP.NET Core

The UI for ASP.NET Core and UI for ASP.NET MVC suites provide a DataSourceRequest model binder and a ToDataSourceResult() method which process bulk data operations.

This article demonstrates how to use these features in Vue applications by applying the Data Query helper functions. For the full project source, refer to this GitHub repository.

Sample Integration Project

To implement the sample project:

  1. Install the prerequisites
  2. Follow the setup process



  1. Create an ASP.NET Core web application that is integrated with Vue.

  2. Install Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core. For more information, refer to the article on getting started.

    You can skip the UI-related steps because the sample project uses only DataSourceRequest and ToDataSourceResult() from the Kendo.Mvc.UI and Kendo.Mvc.Extensions namespaces.

  3. Create an endpoint, which will process the requests, by using the DataSourceRequest attribute and a model binder. Perform all data operations by using the ToDataSourceResult() method and return the result as JSON.

    namespace kendo_ui_vue_demo_aspnetcore_data.Controllers
        public class EmployeeController : Controller
            private readonly IEmployeeRepository _employeeRepository;
            public EmployeeController(IEmployeeRepository employeeRepository)
                _employeeRepository = employeeRepository;
            // GET: api/Employee
            public JsonResult GetEmployee([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request)
                // ToDataSourceResult works with IQueryable and thus you can use Entity Framework as a source
                // instead of an in-memory list.
                var employees = _employeeRepository.GetAll();
                return Json(employees.ToDataSourceResult(request));
            // POST: api/Employee
            public JsonResult AddEmployee([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, Employee employee)
                // ToDataSourceResult works with IQueryable and thus you can use Entity Framework as a source
                // instead of an in-memory list.
                var employees = _employeeRepository.GetAll();
                return Json(employees.ToDataSourceResult(request));
            // PUT: api/Employee
            public JsonResult UpdateEmployee([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, Employee employee)
                // ToDataSourceResult works with IQueryable thus you can use Entity Framework as a source
                // instead of an in-memory list.
                var test = _employeeRepository.Update(employee);
                var employees = _employeeRepository.GetAll();
                return Json(employees.ToDataSourceResult(request));
            // DELETE: api/Employee
            public JsonResult DeleteEmployee([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, Employee employee)
                // ToDataSourceResult works with IQueryable and thus you can use Entity Framework as a source
                // instead of an in-memory list.
                var findEmployee = _employeeRepository.FindbyId(employee.Id);
                var employees = _employeeRepository.GetAll();
                return Json(employees.ToDataSourceResult(request));
  4. Install the Grid package.

  5. Install and import one of the Kendo UI for Vue themes.

  6. Create a Grid whose methods will process the requests and parse the response by using the toDataSourceRequestString and translateDataSourceResultGroups Data Query methods.

        <Grid ref="grid"
            <template v-slot:myTemplate="{props}">
                <custom :data-item="props.dataItem"
                        @cancel="handleCRUD" />
                        title="Add new record"
                    Add new
                There is no data available custom
        import { Grid, GridToolbar, GridNoRecords } from '@progress/kendo-vue-grid';
        import { Button } from '@progress/kendo-vue-buttons';
        import { toDataSourceRequestString } from '@progress/kendo-data-query';
        import CommandCell from './CommandCell';
        export default {
            components: {
                'Grid': Grid,
                'grid-toolbar': GridToolbar,
                'grid-norecords': GridNoRecords,
                'kendo-button': Button,
                'custom': CommandCell
            data: function () {
                return {
                    filter: null,
                    sort: null,
                    result: [],
                    skip: 0,
                    take: 2,
                    total: 100,
                    updatedData: [],
                    itemInEdit: null,
                    editedRowOriginalData: null,
                    columns: [
                        { field: 'id', filterable: false, editable: false, title: 'Employee Id', width: '80px' },
                        { field: 'name', title: 'Name' },
                        { field: 'gender', title: 'Gender' },
                        { field: 'salary', filter: 'numeric', title: 'Salary' },
                        { cell: 'myTemplate', filterable: false, width: '210px' }
            mounted: function () {
                this.fetchData({skip: this.skip, take: this.take});
            methods: {
                addNew: function() {
                    const data = this.result;
                    data.unshift({ "_command": true, inEdit: true });
                    this.result = data;
                addItem: function () {
                    const queryStr = this.serialize(this.result[0]); // Serialize the state
                    const base_url = 'api/Employee';
                    const init = { method: 'POST', accept: 'application/json', headers: {} };
                    fetch(`${base_url}?${queryStr}&${toDataSourceRequestString({ skip: this.skip, take: this.take })}`, init)
                        .then(response => response.json())
                        .then(json => { this.result = })
                enterEdit: function (item) {
                    this.editedRowOriginalData = item;
                    this.itemInEdit = item;
                    this.itemInEdit.inEdit = true;
                    const currentResult = => {
                        let result;
                        if ( === {
                            result = this.itemInEdit;
                        } else {
                            result = currentItem;
                        return result;
                    this.result = currentResult;
                updateItem: function (item) {
                    const queryStr = this.serialize(item); // Serialize the state
                    const base_url = 'api/Employee';
                    const init = { method: 'PUT', accept: 'application/json', headers: {} };
                    fetch(`${base_url}?${queryStr}&${toDataSourceRequestString({ skip: this.skip, take: this.take })}`, init)
                        .then(response => response.json())
                        .then(json => { this.result = })
                deleteItem: function (item) {
                    const queryStr = this.serialize(item); // Serialize the state
                    const base_url = 'api/Employee';
                    const init = { method: 'DELETE', accept: 'application/json', headers: {} };
                    fetch(`${base_url}?${queryStr}&${toDataSourceRequestString({ skip: this.skip, take: this.take })}`, init)
                        .then(response => response.json())
                        .then(json => { this.result = })
                cancelEdit: function () {
                    this.itemInEdit = {};
                    this.itemInEdit = {};
                    let data = this.result;
                    let mappedData = => {
                        if ( === {
                            record = this.editedRowOriginalData;
                            record.inEdit = false
                        } else {
                            record.inEdit = false;
                        return record
                    let filteredData = mappedData.filter(obj => Object.keys(obj).includes("id"));
                    this.result = filteredData;
                handleCRUD: function (event) {
                    switch (event.operation) {
                        case "edit":
                        case "delete":
                        case "update":
                            if ( {
                            } else {
                        case "cancel":
                itemChange: function (event) {
                    const data = this.result.slice();
                    const index = data.findIndex(d => ===;
                    data[index] = {[index], [event.field]: event.value };
                    this.result = data;
                dataStateChange: function (event) {
                    this.sort =;
                    this.skip =;
                    this.take =;
                serialize: function (obj) {
                    var str = [];
                    for (var p in obj)
                        if (, p)) {
                            str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p]));
                    return str.join("&");
                fetchData: function (dataState) {
                    const queryStr = `${toDataSourceRequestString(dataState)}`; // Serialize the state
                    const base_url = 'api/Employee';
                    const init = { method: 'GET', accept: 'application/json', headers: {} };
                    fetch(`${base_url}?${queryStr}`, init)
                        .then(response => response.json())
                        .then(({ data, total }) => {
                            this.result = data;
                   = total;