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navigator-category-axis-auto-base-unit-steps-seconds Array

The seconds unit steps.

navigator-category-axis-auto-base-unit-steps-minutes Array

The minutes unit steps.

navigator-category-axis-auto-base-unit-steps-hours Array

The hours unit steps.

navigator-category-axis-auto-base-unit-steps-days Array

The days unit steps.

navigator-category-axis-auto-base-unit-steps-weeks Array

The weeks unit steps.

navigator-category-axis-auto-base-unit-steps-months Array

The months unit steps.

navigator-category-axis-auto-base-unit-steps-years Array

The years unit steps.

navigator-category-axis-axis-crossing-value Object | Date | Array

  • (For objects) The category index at which the first value axis crosses this axis.
  • (For arrays) The category indices at which the value axes cross the category axis.

navigator-category-axis-background String

The background color of the axis.

navigator-category-axis-base-unit String

The base time interval for the date axis. The default base unit is determined automatically from the minimum difference between subsequent categories.

The supported values are:

  • fit—Setting baseUnit to fit will set such base unit and categoryAxis.baseUnitStep values that the total number of categories will not exceed categoryAxis.maxDateGroups. Series data is aggregated for the specified base unit by using the series.aggregate function.
  • seconds
  • minutes
  • hours
  • days
  • weeks
  • months
  • years

navigator-category-axis-base-unit-step Object

The step (in intervals) between the categories in base units. Setting navigator-category-axis-base-unit-step to auto sets the step to a value which provides a total number of categories that does not exceed categoryAxis.maxDateGroups. If categoryAxis.baseUnit is set to fit, navigator-category-axis-base-unit-step is ignored.

navigator-category-axis-categories Array

The category names. The chart will create a category for every item of the array.

navigator-category-axis-color String

The color that will apply to all axis elements. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb. Can be overridden by categoryAxis.labels.color and categoryAxis.line.color.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-color String

The color of the crosshair. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-opacity Number

The opacity of the crosshair. By default, the crosshair is opaque.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-tooltip-background String

The background color of the tooltip. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-tooltip-border-color String

The color of the border. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-tooltip-border-dash-type String

The dash type of the border.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-tooltip-border-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the border. By default, the border width is set to zero which means that the border will not appear.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-tooltip-color String

The text color of the tooltip. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-tooltip-font String

The tooltip font.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-tooltip-format String

The format for displaying the tooltip. Uses kendo.format. Contains one placeholder ({0}) which represents the category value.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-tooltip-padding Number

The padding of the crosshair tooltip. A numeric value will set all paddings.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-tooltip-padding-bottom Number

The bottom padding of the crosshair tooltip.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-tooltip-padding-left Number

The left padding of the crosshair tooltip.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-tooltip-padding-right Number

The right padding of the crosshair tooltip.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-tooltip-padding-top Number

The top padding of the crosshair tooltip.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-tooltip-template String | Function

The template which renders the tooltip. The template supports the value filed which represents the category value.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-tooltip-visible Boolean

If navigator-category-axis-crosshair-tooltip-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the category axis crosshair tooltip. By default, the category axis crosshair tooltip is not visible.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-visible Boolean

If navigator-category-axis-crosshair-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the category axis crosshair. By default, the category axis crosshair is not visible.

navigator-category-axis-crosshair-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the crosshair.

navigator-category-axis-field String

The data item field which contains the category name. Requires you to set the dataSource option.

navigator-category-axis-justified Boolean

If navigator-category-axis-justified is set to true, the Chart will position categories and series points on major ticks, which removes the empty space before and after the series. Except for Area and Vertical Area series, defaults to false.

navigator-category-axis-labels-background String

The background color of the labels. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-labels-border-color String

The color of the border. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-labels-border-dash-type String

The dash type of the border.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

navigator-category-axis-labels-border-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the border. By default, the border width is set to zero which means that the border will not appear.

navigator-category-axis-labels-color String

The text color of the labels. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-labels-culture String

The culture that will be used when formatting date values. For more information, refer to the article on globalization.

navigator-category-axis-labels-date-formats-days String

The format that is used when categoryAxis.baseUnit is set to days.

navigator-category-axis-labels-date-formats-hours String

The format that is used when categoryAxis.baseUnit is set to hours.

navigator-category-axis-labels-date-formats-months String

The format that is used when categoryAxis.baseUnit is set to months.

navigator-category-axis-labels-date-formats-weeks String

The format that is used when categoryAxis.baseUnit is set to weeks.

navigator-category-axis-labels-date-formats-years String

The format that is used when categoryAxis.baseUnit is set to years.

navigator-category-axis-labels-font String

The font style of the labels.

navigator-category-axis-labels-format String

The format for displaying the labels. Uses kendo.format. Contains one placeholder ({0}) which represents the category value.

navigator-category-axis-labels-margin Number

The margin of the labels. A numeric value will set all margins.

navigator-category-axis-labels-margin-bottom Number

The bottom margin of the labels.

navigator-category-axis-labels-margin-left Number

The left margin of the labels.

navigator-category-axis-labels-margin-right Number

The right margin of the labels.

navigator-category-axis-labels-margin-top Number

The top margin of the labels.

navigator-category-axis-labels-mirror Boolean

If navigator-category-axis-labels-mirror is set to true, the Chart will mirror the axis labels and ticks. If the labels are normally on the left side of the axis, mirroring the axis will render them to the right.

navigator-category-axis-labels-padding Number

The padding of the labels. A numeric value will set all paddings.

navigator-category-axis-labels-padding-bottom Number

The bottom padding of the labels.

navigator-category-axis-labels-padding-left Number

The left padding of the labels.

navigator-category-axis-labels-padding-right Number

The right padding of the labels.

navigator-category-axis-labels-padding-top Number

The top padding of the labels.

navigator-category-axis-labels-rotation Number

The rotation angle of the labels. By default, the labels are not rotated.

navigator-category-axis-labels-skip Number

The number of labels to skip. By default, no labels are skipped.

navigator-category-axis-labels-step Number

The step for rendering the label. By default, every label is rendered.

navigator-category-axis-labels-template String | Function

The template which renders the labels. The template supports the value filed which represents the category value.

navigator-category-axis-labels-visible Boolean

If navigator-category-axis-labels-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the category axis labels. By default, the category axis labels are visible.

navigator-category-axis-line-color String

The color of the lines. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-line-dash-type String

The dash type of the line.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

navigator-category-axis-line-visible Boolean

If navigator-category-axis-line-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the category axis lines. By default, the category axis lines are visible.

navigator-category-axis-line-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the line. Affects also the major and minor ticks but not the grid lines.

navigator-category-axis-major-grid-lines-color String

The color of the major grid lines. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-major-grid-lines-dash-type String

The dash type of the major grid lines.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

navigator-category-axis-major-grid-lines-visible Boolean

If navigator-category-axis-major-grid-lines-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the major grid lines. By default, the major grid lines are visible.

navigator-category-axis-major-grid-lines-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the category axis major grid lines.

navigator-category-axis-major-grid-lines-step Number

The step of the category axis major grid lines.

navigator-category-axis-major-grid-lines-skip Number

The skip of the category axis major grid lines.

navigator-category-axis-major-ticks-color String

The color of the category axis major ticks lines. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-major-ticks-size Number

The length (in pixels) of the tick line.

navigator-category-axis-major-ticks-visible Boolean

If navigator-category-axis-major-ticks-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the category axis major ticks. By default, the category axis major ticks are visible.

navigator-category-axis-major-ticks-width Number

The width of the major ticks in pixels.

navigator-category-axis-major-ticks-step Number

The step of the category axis major ticks.

navigator-category-axis-major-ticks-skip Number

The skip of the category axis major ticks.

navigator-category-axis-max Object

The last date that is displayed on the category date axis. By default, the minimum date is the same as the last category. Often used in combination with the categoryAxis.min and categoryAxis.roundToBaseUnit options to set up a fixed date range.

navigator-category-axis-max-date-groups Number

The maximum number of groups (categories) to display when categoryAxis.baseUnit is set to fit or when categoryAxis.baseUnitStep is set to auto.

navigator-category-axis-min Object

The first date that is displayed on the category date axis. By default, the minimum date is the same as the first category. Often used in combination with the categoryAxis.min and categoryAxis.roundToBaseUnit options to set up a fixed date range.

navigator-category-axis-minor-grid-lines-color String

The color of the minor grid lines. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-minor-grid-lines-dash-type String

The dash type of the minor grid lines.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

navigator-category-axis-minor-grid-lines-visible Boolean

If navigator-category-axis-minor-grid-lines-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the minor grid lines. By default, the minor grid lines are visible.

navigator-category-axis-minor-grid-lines-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the category axis minor grid lines.

navigator-category-axis-minor-grid-lines-step Number

The step of the category axis minor grid lines.

navigator-category-axis-minor-grid-lines-skip Number

The skip of the category axis minor grid lines.

navigator-category-axis-minor-ticks-color String

The color of the category axis minor ticks lines. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-minor-ticks-size Number

The length (in pixels) of the tick line.

navigator-category-axis-minor-ticks-visible Boolean

If navigator-category-axis-minor-ticks-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the category axis minor ticks. By default, the category axis minor ticks are visible.

navigator-category-axis-minor-ticks-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the minor ticks.

navigator-category-axis-minor-ticks-step Number

The step of the category axis minor ticks.

navigator-category-axis-minor-ticks-skip Number

The skip of the category axis minor ticks.

navigator-category-axis-plot-bands Array

The plot bands of the category axis.

navigator-category-axis-reverse Boolean

If navigator-category-axis-reverse is set to true, the category axis direction will be reversed. By default, categories are listed from left to right and from bottom to top.

navigator-category-axis-round-to-base-unit Boolean

If navigator-category-axis-round-to-base-unit is set to true, the Chart will round the first and last date to the nearest base unit. If series.type is set to bar, column, ohlc, or candlestick, the roundToBaseUnit option will be ignored.

navigator-category-axis-title-background String

The background color of the title. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-title-border-color String

The color of the border. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-title-border-dash-type String

The dash type of the border.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

navigator-category-axis-title-border-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the border. By default, the border width is set to zero which means that the border will not appear.

navigator-category-axis-title-color String

The text color of the title. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-title-font String

The font style of the title.

navigator-category-axis-title-margin Number

The margin of the title. A numeric value will set all margins.

navigator-category-axis-title-margin-bottom Number

The bottom margin of the title.

navigator-category-axis-title-margin-left Number

The left margin of the title.

navigator-category-axis-title-margin-right Number

The right margin of the title.

navigator-category-axis-title-margin-top Number

The top margin of the title.

navigator-category-axis-title-padding Number

The padding of the title. A numeric value will set all paddings.

navigator-category-axis-title-padding-bottom Number

The bottom padding of the title.

navigator-category-axis-title-padding-left Number

The left padding of the title.

navigator-category-axis-title-padding-right Number

The right padding of the title.

navigator-category-axis-title-padding-top Number

The top padding of the title.

navigator-category-axis-title-position String

The position of the title.

The supported values are:

  • top—(Applicable to vertical axes) The axis title is positioned on the top.
  • bottom—(Applicable to vertical axes) The axis title is positioned on the bottom.
  • left—(Applicable to horizontal axes) The axis title is positioned on the left.
  • right—(Applicable to horizontal axes) The axis title is positioned on the right.
  • center—The axis title is positioned in the center.

navigator-category-axis-title-rotation Number

The rotation angle of the title. By default, the title is not rotated.

navigator-category-axis-title-text String

The text of the title.

navigator-category-axis-title-visible Boolean

If navigator-category-axis-title-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the category axis title. By default, the category axis title is visible.

navigator-category-axis-visible Boolean

If navigator-category-axis-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the category axis. By default, the category axis is visible.

navigator-category-axis-week-start-day Number

The start weekday when categoryAxis.baseUnit is set to weeks.

The supported settings are:

  • kendo.days.Sunday (0)
  • kendo.days.Monday (1)
  • kendo.days.Tuesday (2)
  • kendo.days.Wednesday (3)
  • kendo.days.Thursday (4)
  • kendo.days.Friday (5)
  • kendo.days.Saturday (6)

navigator-category-axis-notes-position String

The position of the category axis note.

The supported values are:

  • top—The note is positioned on the top.
  • bottom—The note is positioned on the bottom.
  • left—The note is positioned on the left.
  • right—The note is positioned on the right.

navigator-category-axis-notes-icon-background String

The background color of the notes icon.

navigator-category-axis-notes-icon-border-color String

The border color of the icon.

navigator-category-axis-notes-icon-border-width Number

The border width of the icon.

navigator-category-axis-notes-icon-size Number

The size of the icon.

navigator-category-axis-notes-icon-type String

The icon shape.

The supported values are:

  • circle—The marker shape is circular.
  • square—The marker shape is square.
  • triangle—The marker shape is triangular.
  • cross—The marker is in the shape of a cross.

navigator-category-axis-notes-icon-visible Boolean

The icon visibility.

navigator-category-axis-notes-label-background String

The background color of the label. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-notes-label-border-color String

The color of the border. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-notes-label-border-dash-type String

The dash type of the border.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

navigator-category-axis-notes-label-border-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the border in pixels. By default, the border width is set to zero which means that the border will not appear.

navigator-category-axis-notes-label-color String

The text color of the label. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-category-axis-notes-label-font String

The font style of the label.

navigator-category-axis-notes-label-template String | Function

The template which renders the labels. The template supports the value field which represents the category value.

navigator-category-axis-notes-label-visible Boolean

If navigator-category-axis-notes-label-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the category notes label. By default, the category notes label are visible.

navigator-category-axis-notes-label-rotation Number

The rotation angle of the label. By default, the label are not rotated.

navigator-category-axis-notes-label-format String

The format for displaying the notes label. Uses kendo.format. Contains one placeholder ({0}) which represents the category value.

navigator-category-axis-notes-label-position String

The position of the labels.

The supported values are:

  • inside—The label is positioned inside the icon.
  • outside—Te label is positioned outside the icon.

navigator-category-axis-notes-line-width Number

The line width of the notes.

navigator-category-axis-notes-line-color String

The line color of the notes.

navigator-category-axis-notes-line-length Number

The length (in pixels) of the connecting lines.

navigator-category-axis-notes-data Array

The items of the notes.

navigator-data-source Object

The configuration or instance of the Navigator DataSource. When the Navigator is bound through its own data source, it automatically sets the from and to filters on the main data source which, together with the server filtering, allows you to visualize large data sets without loading them at once.

navigator-auto-bind Boolean

Indicates whether the navigator will initially call read on the data source. Applicable only when a dedicated navigator data source is used.

navigator-date-field String

The field which contains the point date. Used as a default field for the navigator axis.

navigator-pane-background String

The background color of the pane. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-pane-border-color String

The color of the border. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-pane-border-dash-type String

The dash type of the border.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

navigator-pane-border-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the border. By default, the border width is set to zero which means that the border will not appear.

navigator-pane-height Number

The navigator pane height in pixels.

navigator-pane-margin Number

The margin of the pane. A numeric value will set all margins.

navigator-pane-margin-bottom Number

The bottom margin of the navigator pane.

navigator-pane-margin-left Number

The left margin of the navigator pane.

navigator-pane-margin-right Number

The right margin of the navigator pane.

navigator-pane-margin-top Number

The top margin of the navigator pane.

navigator-pane-name String

The unique name of the navigator pane.

navigator-pane-padding Number

The padding of the pane. A numeric value will set all paddings.

navigator-pane-padding-bottom Number

The bottom padding of the navigator pane.

navigator-pane-padding-left Number

The left padding of the navigator pane.

navigator-pane-padding-right Number

The right padding of the navigator pane.

navigator-pane-padding-top Number

The top padding of the navigator pane.

navigator-pane-title String

The title configuration of the navigator pane.

navigator-pane-title-background String

The background color of the title. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-pane-title-border-color String

The color of the border. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-pane-title-border-dash-type String

The dash type of the border.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

navigator-pane-title-border-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the border. By default, the border width is set to zero which means that the border will not appear.

navigator-pane-title-color String

The text color of the title. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

navigator-pane-title-font String

The font style of the title.

navigator-pane-title-margin Number

The margin of the title. A numeric value will set all margins.

navigator-pane-title-margin-bottom Number

The bottom margin of the title.

navigator-pane-title-margin-left Number

The left margin of the title.

navigator-pane-title-margin-right Number

The right margin of the title.

navigator-pane-title-margin-top Number

The top margin of the title.

navigator-pane-title-position String

The position of the title.

The supported values are:

  • left—(Applicable to horizontal axes) The axis title is positioned on the left.
  • right—(Applicable to horizontal axes) The axis title is positioned on the right.
  • center—The axis title is positioned in the center.

navigator-pane-title-text String

The text of the title.

navigator-pane-title-visible Boolean

If navigator-pane-title-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the pane title. By default, the pane title is visible.

navigator-series Array

An array of series definitions. Accepts the same options as the root series collection. Omitting the array and specifying a single series is also acceptable.

navigator-select-from Date

The lower boundary of the selected range.

navigator-select-mousewheel Boolean

The mousewheel configuration of the selection. If navigator-select-mousewheel is set to false, the mousewheel will not update the selection.

navigator-select-mousewheel-reverse Boolean

If navigator-select-mousewheel-reverse is set to true, the mouse wheel direction will be reversed. The default direction for zooming out is down and for zooming in is up.

navigator-select-mousewheel-zoom String

The zoom direction.

The supported values are:

  • both—Zooming expands and contracts the selection on both sides.
  • left—Zooming expands and contracts the selection on the left side only.
  • right—Zooming expands and contracts the selection on right side only.

navigator-select-to Date

The upper boundary of the selected range.

navigator-hint-visible Boolean

The visibility of the hint.

navigator-hint-template String | Function

The hint template. Template variables: from—The lower boundary of the selected range or to—Theupper boundary of the selected range.

navigator-hint-format String

The format of the hint.

navigator-visible Boolean

The visibility of the navigator.

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